Page 137 of Shadows and Whispers

“Do you even fucking care?”


More than I had the right to.

“Is she here?”

Is she safe?

Dodger had threatened Cress. That was why I wanted to kill him. I damn sure tried.

“She’s here but you need to tell me what the fuck is going on, you’re not going in there.”

I stared at my brother for a long moment knowing I needed to do the right thing. I needed help. I was losing my shit and that meant I wasn’t any good to him or to my wife.

“My phone.”

“Fuck that phone. What is going on?”

“Give me my gotdamn phone and I’ll show you.”

He needed to see the text.

That was the only way this would make sense.

He reached beneath my seat and lifted my bag which he tossed in my lap. I jerked the zipper then lifted my phone. Before I could get to the text I initially wanted to show him, new ones had my mind racing again.

What the hell?

Why is she with him?


Accepting gifts…

My body began to physically vibrate with anger as I read the words that followed the attachment of photos.

Do you trust your wife?

You shouldn’t.

I told you I would fuck her.

She enjoyed it too.

Look at the smile on her face.

And just in case you’re wondering. That’s because of me, not you.

I growled and was moving. I heard Ez behind me but didn’t stop. Not even when he tackled me. I shoved him hard, but he didn’t give.

My body felt the way I hit the grass in every bone and every muscle.

“Get the fuck off me.”

“No, not until you tell me what is going on?”

My body was vibrating again.