I nod, my jaw clenching tightly. "I don't have many other choices."
Our gazes clash. Burn's eyes probe my face for several long moments.
"I know I haven't given you many reasons to trust me," Burn says, his voice low and sincere. "But I swear to you, Dare, I'll do whatever it takes to get Solana back. I won't let anything happen to her."
I look into his eyes, searching for any hint of deception. But all I see is determination and sincerity.
"Okay," I say at last. "Let's do this."
I look at Talia. Her eyebrows raise in question, but I give her a subtle nod to let her know it will all be fine.
"We're heading in to meet with the lawyer now," I tell her. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you give us a few minutes?"
"Of course." She comes over and gives me a quick kiss. "Be safe. And let me know as soon as you have a plan for getting Solana back."
"I will. Thank you, Talia." I squeeze her hand, then head to my office.
Burn hangs back a moment. "Don't worry," he tells Talia solemnly. "We're going to make this right."
She smiles faintly. "I know you will."
* * *
A short while later,I am crammed into my small office with Burn and the family lawyer. They both stand with their arms crossed as I pour over the transfer documents, reading each line carefully. My birthright, my legacy, all spelled out on sheets of paper. Signing them over to Burn feels like chopping off one of my limbs.
But for Solana, I'll do it. I'll sacrifice anything.
"This is the only copy of the contract," the lawyer explains. "Once you sign, any future shares you might inherit are legally Burn's."
I nod, jaw tightening. Burn grips my shoulder.
"It's just a means to an end," he reminds me gently. "We'll get her back."
Taking a deep breath, I scrawl my signature on the pages. The lawyer gathers them up and snaps his briefcase shut.
"It's done," I say heavily.
Burn pulls me into the briefest of embraces. His show of solidarity takes me aback. After so many years of resentment between us, I'm not accustomed to having him at my side. But Solana's life is on the line.
Old grudges can't matter now.
I return his embrace firmly, letting the gesture speak what words cannot.
That I'm grateful for his support.
That I want to believe our fractured relationship can be repaired.
That I'm trusting him, against my better judgment, not to betray me again.
When we separate, Burn searches my face, as if gauging the sincerity of my response. I meet his gaze steadily, letting him read the truth there.
After a tense moment, he nods. The hint of a smile touches his mouth.
"Brothers to the end," he says gruffly.
"Brothers," I echo. And for the first time in forever, I mean it.
I extend my hand. Burn grips it without hesitation, completing the unspoken pact between us. We will save Solana, together.