Page 77 of Vow To The Devil

"You always make sure everyone is taken care of, Talia. Let me take care of you this once."

I stare into his eyes, nodding. Dare kisses me briefly, then takes a step back, his eyes never leaving mine. He reaches for his phone and dials a number.

"Yeah. It’s me. I need you right now."


My mind races,thoughts swirling like a hurricane as I pace the length of the penthouse. Solana's wide brown eyes and dimpled smile flash through my mind. That sweet little girl, abducted from the hotel by one of the nannies. I find myself going over and over the fact that Solana was kidnapped by my own uncle. Rage boils up inside me and I slam my fist against the wall. The dull thud does nothing to abate the tempest whipping through me.

I hear soft footsteps and Talia appears, her face creased with worry. She opens her arms wordlessly and I go to her, pressing my face into the crook of her neck. Her floral scent envelops me as she strokes my hair.

"We have to get her back, Dare," Talia murmurs. "I don't know how, but there must be something we can do."

I clench my jaw and pull back to meet her gaze. "I should have known Felix would try something like this. He's always wanted control of the company."

Talia cups my face in her hands. "This isn't your fault. But we can still save Solana. We just need a plan."

I cover her hands with mine, hope flickering inside me. With Talia by my side, I feel like I can do anything. "You're right. Felix wants my future shares of the company. I'll offer them to him in exchange for Solana."

Talia's eyes flash. "Yes. Make him think you're willing to give him what he wants."

My heart swells looking at this fierce, brilliant woman. I lean in and kiss her deeply. Just as our lips meet again, the elevator doors slide open. We spring apart and find ourselves face to face with my brother Burn.

He raises an eyebrow, glancing between us. "Am I interrupting something?"

I clench my jaw, irritation flaring. Trust Burn to show up at just the wrong moment.

"You came. I wasn't sure you would."

Burn saunters into the loft, hands in his pockets. "I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by." His gaze travels over the modern furniture and floor-to-ceiling windows. "Nice place you've got here."

"Cut the small talk," I snap. "I don't have time for this."

Burn's eyes narrow, his nonchalant facade cracking. "Time for your own brother? I'm wounded. Besides,youcalledme."

Talia touches my arm, a subtle reminder to stay calm. I take a breath. "I have a situation to deal with. It's... urgent."

"What kind of situation?" Burn asks. When I hesitate, he adds, "Maybe I can help."

I consider him for a moment. Bringing Burn in is risky, but he could be the key to this puzzle. And despite our incredibly rocky past, he's still my twin brother.

"All right," I say finally, heaving a sigh.

"Solana's been kidnapped by Felix."

Burn's nonchalance evaporates, his eyes widening. "The little girl you took in? Why would he do that?"

"To get at me. He wants my shares of the company." I run a hand through my hair. "I need to get Solana back safely. Whatever it takes."

Burn is silent, processing. Then he meets my eyes. "Tell me what you need me to do."

I let out a breath, gratitude welling up. I clasp his shoulder. "Thank you. First we need to meet with a lawyer, start the process of transferring the shares of company stock that I will inherit into your name."

Burn frowns. "Wait, I thought…" His brow knits. “I’m confused.”

"It's a ruse to get Solana back unharmed. I will transfer all my future shares to you first. Then I’ll sign my shares over to Felix… only I will have already signed them over to you. So I will essentially be signing nothing over to him. Then when I sign the papers that Felix wants me to sign, he'll give me back Solana and get nothing in exchange."

Burn nods slowly. "Clever. Felix won't see it coming. But... that means you would have to trust me not to screw you out of your entire inheritance."