Page 6 of Mine

“Where is he takin’ them.”

“He is securing them for the journey. You’ll get them back when we arrive in Vegas.” Eaton holds his hand out toward me, and I tentatively take it.

“Why can’t I keep them with me?” I ask desperately.

“Because we’ll be busy on the flight.”

My stomach drops. Am I about to head down the same path as my mother. Tears start to fall down my face as I follow Eaton up the steps to the plane. I stumble on the third one, and Eaton catches me. He sees my tears.

“Behave, and you won’t be hurt. Just remember that.” He wipes away my tears before moving me ahead of him so he can guide me better.

“Holy shit!” I exclaim out loud when I enter the plane. I’ve never seen anything like it before. “This place is like a palace.” Forgetting what is happening to me, I run over to where two seats are situated on either side of a wooden table. “Is this real leather?” Looking at Eaton, I caress the smooth fabric.

He rubs at his temples. “What have I told you about swearing? It isn’t fitting for a lady.”

Scoffing, I stop stroking the seat. “Since when have I been a lady.”

In two quick strides, Eaton reaches me. He grabs my jaw tightly; it’s still a little sore from when he did it earlier.

“I mean it, Shelby. If I hear one more swear word out of your mouth tonight, I will wash it out with soap and water. Do you understand?” He emphasizes the last few words to leave me with little doubt he will do exactly as he threatens.

“It’s not easy to stop something when you’ve been doing it all your life.”

“Try hard.”

“I will,” I relent, and he releases my jaw.

“Sir.” An air hostess appears next to us. “Can I ask you to take your seats, please? We’re ready for takeoff.”

“Of course.” Eaton nods his head to the hostess and motions for me to sit down.

I obey quickly, not wanting to get any more bruises on my already tender jaw.

Try not to swear. Try not to swear.I repeat the doctrine in my head.

Suddenly, Eaton reaches over me, and I flinch.

“You need to put your seatbelt on,” he explains and takes both ends of the belt either side of me and clips them together. I’m glad he’s doing it because I’ve no idea what I’m supposed to be doing.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“How long is the flight? I’ve never been on a plane before.”

“It’s just under three hours. A short flight.”

“Okay.” I look out of the window. I can’t see anything but the dark airfield around us. “Is this a private airfield?”

“It is,” Eaton responds as the air hostess brings him a glass of what looks like whiskey—it certainly smells of strong alcohol— and places it down in front of him with a packet of nuts. She hands me a glass of water and some nuts as well.

“If you need anything during the flight, just call me,” the hostess offers and disappears behind a curtain.

The plane starts to move, and I grip the armrest tightly, my nerves really starting to get the better of me.

Eaton smirks. “We’re taxiing to the runway. It’ll be a few minutes before we’re in the air.”

“I don’t think I can do this,” I announce as I start feeling completely flustered, and my heart beats rapidly.