Page 38 of Mine

“This isn’t a love affair. You’re sounding like a wimp. This is a means to an end, and I’m so glad I’ve informed her of that before she gets any illusions that there can be anything more. We need to get the child, and then we can be rid of Shelby. She’ll make a small fortune on the sex market. She’s pretty. Shame she’ll be used goods and not have a tight cunt. You don’t need to make it romantic for her, Eaton. Fuck her tonight. Take her and get her pregnant. I want that child. Even nine months is too long to wait. I wonder if we can get the baby cut out of her as soon as it’s viable. I’ll ask my doctor.”

“No,” I protest at once. “I can’t believe I’m standing here having this conversation with you. I’ve told you I will do my duty, but I will do it in my time. I will not be forcing anyone to do anything or cutting babies from wombs. You told me Shelby is mine, and I intend to keep her by my side forever, just as you told me I could all those years ago.” I’m so on edge, my hands are shaking.

“You’re so weak,” my father huffs.

“No, I’m strong because of my mother. She gave me some humanity and the ability to see right from wrong. You’ve never once been a father to me. You’ve never once allowed me to even call you that word. I’m merely an employee being told what to do. I understand my place, Mr. Armstrong. You will get you want, but so will I.” I motion toward the door again. “Now please leave. If I must take Shelby to the ball next week, I have a lot of preparations to make. She’s still little more than trailer trash in many respects. Something that isyourfault. Something thatyoufailed to realize could damage our family’s reputation. Revealing her to our rivals is a risk. It could even lead to her being taken by one of them during the evening. We are not the only family interested in her inheritance. Even if I get her pregnant, an abortion can be had or an accident could lead to a miscarriage, and a marriage can always be annulled.”

“I shouldn’t have let your mother turn you soft. Maybe her dying so young was a blessing. There’s no telling how weak you’d have been if she was still around,” my father snaps back.

“Get out.” I don’t want this man near me anymore. I’m going do something I’ll seriously regret if he doesn’t leave immediately. “Shelby will be at the ball, but everything else is on my terms. You’ve waited a very long time for this. A few more months or even a year will not hurt. You’ll get your money, but know this, power is earned not bought.”

“I’m already the most powerful man in Vegas. I just need the money to consolidate my position,” my father snarls back at me. “Watch your position, boy, because I can take everything you have away from you if you don’t do as required.”

My father shakes his head at me in disappointment before leaving. Turning around, I send a fist flying into the wall, smashing the plaster around it.

“Fuck!” I scream out loud.

“Okay, I think you need to chill.” Max’s voice comes from behind me. “Have you done any damage to yourself?”

I pull my hand out of the wall and check for broken bones by flexing it. Blood covers the knuckles, but I can move all my fingers.

Turning around to face Max, I wipe the blood onto the jacket of my dark gray tailored suit and reply, “No, is Shelby all right? Did he hurt her?”

“She wants to see you. I think an explanation is needed. She’s angry.” Max looks down the corridor to where Shelby’s room is. “Why don’t you just do what your father wants? I’ve seen you do worse in the cellar. All you need to do is marry and fuck Shelby, and he’ll get everything he wants. You can go back to being the quiet, aloof man who works himself to death and doesn’t let anyone get in his way. It’s a lot easier to protect you, and it’ll mean I have a lot less mess to clear up.” He nods toward the hole in the wall behind me.

I shake my head and let out a weary snort of laughter. “That’s the thing about this whole situation, Max. The reason it’s so bloody insane. I don’t know why I can’t do that. I just know I can’t because my feelings toward her are changing. And that scares me more than anything ever has in my life.”



“You promise he didn’t hurt you?” Lena looks all over my body. “He’s a vile man, not that I’ll ever tell Eaton or Max what I think. He gives me the creeps whenever he’s near me. I can see so much of my father in him.”

I reach out to take Lena’s hand to reassure her I’m fine. I know her father abused her, and seeing the way Mr. Armstrong pushed her around, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d do the same given half the chance. I can’t help but wonder how Max and Eaton would react if that happened. They both care a great deal for Lena from what I can see.

“I’m sorry he pushed you.” I feel bad that Lena keeps getting hurt because of me.

“Don’t worry about me, Shelby. I’ve suffered a lot worse. I’m more concerned about you.”

“I’m fine, honestly. I’m even more angry with Eaton now, though. His father informed me of a few things I should have been told from the start, but Eaton neglected to mention them.”

I’m still trying to process that the only reason Eaton wants me is so he can get his hands on a load of money when I give birth to his biological child.

“He told you about the will?” Lena looks up at me, biting her lip nervously.

I let out a long sigh of frustration. “Am I the only person who doesn’t know about it? I thought this was all about revenge not money. It makes everything different.”

“How?” Lena looks at me confused. “Revenge or money. Surely it doesn’t change anything. You are Eaton’s no matter what. He’s never going to let you go.”

“It makes all the difference. My father killed his mother. I can understand his hatred of me, and his need to punish me as the only surviving relative of my father. But carrying out that punishment for money ain’t something I can accept. That ain’t revenge.”

I let go of Lena’s hand, and sliding from the bed, I straighten my clothes. I’m ready to face Eaton now.

“I understand. I think I even agree with you. Just don’t be too hard on Eaton. The fact he’s refusing to marry you on his father’s terms suggests to me there’s more to this than just the money.”

Lena rises from the bed just as Max and Eaton appear at the door.

“Lena, come and help me unpack,” Max addresses his wife. “We’ve got a new painting and need to find somewhere to hang it.”