Page 36 of Mine

Your father killed his wife. Remember that.

Be polite and do as you’re told.

I don’t feel tempted to disobey this man as I do Eaton. Somehow, I know Eaton would never truly hurt me. His father, though, I can feel the anger and disgust for me radiating off him.

I do as he orders and turn slowly around in a circle. I can feel his eyes on me the entire time. I’m glad I chose to wear cut off leggings and a baggy t-shirt today, rather than one of my outfits with a short skirt. When I come back round to face him, I see a hunger in his eyes. It repulses me.

“At least my ex-business partner was able to do something right. You’ll produce handsome children to continue my legacy.”

I don’t know even how to answer that statement. It never occurred to me that Eaton might want to have children with me. I thought I was just here to be a slave to whatever whim he favors at any given moment. The whole point of this fucked up life I’ve been thrust into is so Eaton can have his revenge.

“That silenced you, didn’t it. Your only here for breeding.” Eaton’s father laughs at me. It’s harsh and malevolent. “My son should have married you already, but then he’s always been a disappointment to me. I blame your father for that. Killing my wife changed my son forever. It made him a cold-blooded killer when he needs to be for the business, but when it comes to doing the right thing for the family, he’s gone soft.”


What the fuck!

Cold-blooded killer.

My legs go weak, and I reach out a hand to the nearby bedpost to steady myself.

“Eaton really hasn’t told you any of this, has he?” Again with the sadistic laugh. “No wonder he was trying to keep me away. Mind you, I suppose he needs to train you first to be respectable. You’re probably used to spreading your legs for any man who thrusts a bit of money your way, just like your mother. Why else would you agree to accompany a stranger as easily as you did?”

“That is enough!” I shout back at him. The anger within me ignites into a destructive fire of words. “I’m nothing like my mother, and I will not be spoken to in this way. I will not be marrying your son. I will not be spreading my legs for him or anyone else. I understand he wants his revenge, but I will not be disrespected. Please leave.” I turn my back to him, indicating to him he’s dismissed.

Big mistake.

He’s storms across the room and swings me around so I’m facing him. His thick fingers grip tight to my jaw, and he pulls me closer to him. Stern lines of anger mark his face, and his pupils flash dark and foreboding.

“Don’t ever speak to me like that again, girl. You have no idea who I am and what I’m capable of. Your father ruined my life. For the last eighteen years, I’ve been waiting for this moment. I will have my revenge, and you’ll be destroyed by the end of it.”

His face is inches from mine now. The thick scent of stale tobacco is on his breath. It’s mixed with a hint of woody bourbon. It makes him even more dangerous because I don’t know how much alcohol he’s consumed. His fingers dig into my jaw, and I know they’ll leave marks

“You will be marrying my son and spreading your legs for him,” he continues. “I will make sure of it.” Spittle covers my face as he speaks. “Even if I have to hold you down while he does it. It’s the only way I can get back what your father took from me.”

In a swift movement, Mr. Armstrong throws me onto the bed. My head slams back against the iron headboard, and the sound of the impact reverberates around my head for a few seconds. Bile rises in my throat with the fear of what will happen next. I’m terrified of this man. His hatred for me is so strong. I know he plans to extract his pound of flesh from me for the murder of his wife. My father’s actions have driven his former best friend and business partner insane.

“You think you belong to Eaton. That’s what he’s been told since he was twelve. When you were born, your father and I joked that the pair of you would get married to each other, but that’s when we were on friendly terms. I needed Eaton to believe he owned you. He was more than happy to accept because he hated your family. Your father was an evil genius. He was a liar, thief, and murderer, and his sins will be revisited upon you.” I can no longer make any sense of what he is saying to me.

I try to shift on the bed so I can sit up and defend myself against the accusations being thrown at me. I barely knew my father. He died when I was still a baby. How can I be held responsible for his actions. My legs feel weak, and my head hurts. All I can do is lie here and suffer this onslaught that’s the result of years of frustration and pain.

“He murdered my wife, and he stole my money. He tied it up in all sorts of contracts and legacies, but the most despicable thing he did was to make your inheritance conditional on the birth of a child. I’ve only been able to get access to the money he set aside for you until your child is born. That’s why I’m disappointed my son hasn’t fucked you and married you yet. We need a child from you. You’re nothing but a vessel. A means to an end. Eaton will do his duty, and he’ll do it within the week or there will be consequences. I will have what is mine. I will have my revenge. I will become the most powerful man in Vegas. I will rule, and you will be a slave to our plans. Get ready, Shelby. You made the wrong decision to come with Eaton. The life you left behind in Pharr was better than the one you’re going to have.”

Without another word, Eaton’s father leaves me alone on the bed. I’m shaking. Terrified. Eaton has been playing games with me. Making me believe things, convincing me pleasure can come from intimacy. Why would he do that when all he wants is to use me for money.

Use me for money.

I am my mother.

The betrayal cuts deep, and I shut down.



“What are you doing here?” I demand angrily as my father walks out of Shelby’s room.

Lena stands at my side, Max’s arm protectively around her to stop her from shaking. We walked through the front door a few moments ago to find her terrified and trying desperately to call us.