Page 8 of Mine



Imanage to catch Shelby in my arms before she falls to the floor of the plane.

Women are so temperamental.

I scoop her up into my arms and carry her into the bedroom area at the rear of the plane. Laying her down on the bed, I return to the main cabin and fetch her a glass of water.

When I walk back into the bedroom, she’s sitting up on the bed, looking terrified.

“I-I…” She stammers. “I-I… please.”

“Stop letting your mind run wild, Shelby. You may be on a bed, but I’m not going to touch you. I’ll only do that when you ask me. I’ve brought you in here because you smell of fried food, which I can assure you isn’t remotely attractive. I want you to shower and change your clothes.” I pull open a drawer and retrieve a pair of leggings, underwear, and a t-shirt. All the clothes have been especially purchased for Shelby in her exact size. “Remove your dirty clothes.”

I stand there impatiently tapping my foot when she doesn’t move.

“Undress. Here. Now.” She slides forward on the bed, her legs dangling over the side. The plane begins to bank to the right. Her eyes go wide. “The plane’s maneuvering again. Now do as I ask.”

“Will you turn around?”

I let out a sigh of frustration.

“I’ve already told you, Shelby, you are mine. Strip now.” My tone is rigid. “If you delay any longer, I will strip the clothes off you myself. The smell of greasy food is not pleasant,” I threaten and cross my arms over my chest, to show her I mean business.

“But I’ll be naked?” She waves her hands down her body.

“And? I’ve seen a woman naked before. I’ve seen many. I’ve fucked many. I’m sure you’ve got nothing that’s going to send me into a sexual frenzy. Now do as I instruct. I’m in charge here, Shelby, so get used to it.”

I can feel the migraine building again at my temples. I’m one of the most powerful men in Vegas. I’m not used to people telling me no, or trying to argue with me. Many who’ve tried have ended up with a bullet in them.

Shelby snorts with frustration.

“I’m startin’ to regret coming with you,” she huffs and starts to remove the tight fitting shirt and long pants of her work uniform.

“We both know you really had no choice in that decision,” I remind her.

I open the door to the bathroom and turn the shower on, making sure the temperature isn’t too hot or cold. There are various bottles of shower gel and shampoo in the small room.

Turning back to Shelby, I see her he standing by the bed with her panties still on. Her hands are covering her small breasts, and I wince when I see how thin she is. Her ribs are protruding from her body, and there’s very little fat on her. She looks like a gust of wind could break her into two.

“How often do you eat?” I frown.

“I eat when I can. It depends on what leftovers I’m given from the job.”

“We’ll change that. I’ll get a nutritionist to prepare a diet to help build you up. I don’t want to feel like you’ll snap in half whenever I come near you. Now remove your underwear and get in the shower.”

She winces again, and that’s when I notice the hair on her legs. I shut my eyes and rub my forehead in frustration.

“Is the hair on your legs an indication of what is beneath your panties?”

“I don’t have the money to look after myself. You’re just gonna have to deal with it,” she snarls back, insulted by my comment.

“I will have it dealt with tomorrow. Now underwear off and shower.”

She stares me down again. I love her defiance, even if it’s going to cause me lots of trouble.

I point at the shower, leaving her no doubt about what will happen next. She allows her hands to slip from her breasts and removes her underwear. Then grabbing the change of clothes I’m holding, she pushes past me, jumps in the shower, and closes the door in my face before I have a chance to register what’s happening. She’s spirited, this one. I like it, and it will make the next few weeks even more fun.