Page 37 of Mine

As soon as Lena told me my father was with Shelby, I was heading toward her room. I don’t trust my father with Shelby or any woman, to be honest. Since my mother died, he seems to have lost all compassion.

“Eaton, it’s good to see you. Why aren’t you married?” He’s quick and to the point.

“What have you done to her?” I question my father, and with a flick of my wrist, I motion for Lena and Max to check on Shelby.

As they disappear into the room, I guide my father away. I don’t want to speak to him. Even though I’ve spent the last week trying to forget Shelby and the way she makes me feel, I’m desperate to check on her to make sure my father hasn’t hurt her, but I need to get him out of my house first.

“I’ve just put her in her place.” My father laughs.

“If you’ve touched her,” I warn.

“Don’t forget your place, son.” My father’s face turns from smiling to fury in an instant. “I will do what I want to that little bitch. Her father killed my wife.”

“And my mother,” I retort. I’m not in the mood to back down today.

“Then why in the hell haven’t you married her and got her pregnant with your child? She doesn’t need to consent. That’s not in the will. Get it done today.” My father shouts at me.

I shake my head.

“I told you I would deal with this my way.”

We are standing by the front door to my house. I open it and motion to my father to leave. He doesn’t get the message, though. Instead he hangs around, clearly wanting to have an argument with me because I’m not doing as I’m told for once in my life.

“And I’ve grown tired of you dealing with it your way. Enough is enough, Eaton. I want what is mine.”

My father leans into me. I remember the days when that would scare me as he was taller and bigger than me, but as we’ve both aged, I’ve overtaken him in size and stature, just not power,yet.

“And you will get it, but in my own time. I’m the one who must marry this woman.” I pull my hands through my hair in frustration.

“I’m sorry, Eaton, but it’s time I forced your hand. Shelby will be presented at Myriad’s annual ball next week. I expect you to be married by then or at least engaged. We’ll show the rest of the Vegas underworld who’s in charge. I’ve fended off the rumors for long enough.”

I shake my head.

“Not happening, sir. Shelby will not be at that ball.”

My father grunts in frustration.

“I’m not asking you to bring her, Eaton. I’m telling you. Shewillbe there. If you don’t bring her, then I will come and get her myself and tell everyone assembled that you are married and she’s carrying your child. I’m done with your delaying tactics. I’ve had to wait a long time to get what is rightfully mine, living with the stigma of what her father did to our family. The embarrassment he caused by not only murdering your mother but forcing us into this stupid wait for our money. I will no longer be a laughingstock among the elite of Vegas, because of that man. I will get what’s mine…what I am due. Now do your part and fuck that woman. Or are you not man enough to do the right thing for your family?”

“Don’t.” I hold my hand up at my father. “Don’t question my commitment to getting what is rightfully ours. My entire life I’ve stayed away from any woman I might have had a chance of falling for because I’ve always known I had no choice in who I would marry. I have a duty, and I will honor it. I will get what is ours, but I won’t hurt Shelby in the process. I may hate her and the genes that created her, but I will not force any woman against her will. I may be a cold-hearted bastard, but I’m not that sort of man. I don’t need to rape her to get what we want. She’s already on the verge of giving it to me freely.”

I feel sick saying these words to my father. Respect for women is the one thing I learned from my mother. Yes, I’ve slept with a lot, but they’ve only ever been the ones who love sex and were willing, and there’s plenty of them available in Vegas. I don’t need to rape anyone, and I can’t. I won’t break them like my mother was. She was too young to be married and get pregnant. I can’t do that, not even to Shelby. I stroke at my mother’s ring on my little finger. A flashback of her hits me.

“Eaton, come here, my lovely little boy.” She holds her arms out to me, and I run into them, and she strokes my hair.

I can’t be more than six years old, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It all feels so familiar.


“I want you to know that whatever happens,I will always be with you and love you. There’ll be so many difficult moments in your life, but always think of me and what I would do. It will help you to make the right decisions.”

“I will, Momma.” I look up at her. She has tears in her eyes and looks sad. “Don’t be upset, Momma. I will love you always. I’ll be a good boy.”

“I know you will. But don’t just be kind to me, Eaton. Be kind to all women, no matter what your father says. He’s got a different view of how women should be treated.” She runs her hand over my cheek before pulling me in for a tight embrace. “I wish I could explain better. When you’re older, I will. Just promise me that you’ll treat women the way you would want your mother to be treated.”

“I promise, Momma.”

I don’t fully understand what my mother is saying, I wish I did,but I’m too young. I make a vow, though. I promise to make sure she’s always treated like a queen because she deserves it. She’s my mother—my everything, and she’ll be at my side forever.