Page 25 of Mine

I didn’t know his mother was dead. It explains so much and not enough at the same time.

“I’m sorry, Eaton. I didn’t know.” I push to my feet and look at the inscription on top of the coffin.

Eliza Armstrong

Died October 31, 2004

Loving wife to Richard Armstrong

Devoted mother to Eaton Armstrong

Such needless death that will forever haunt those who loved her.

My hand flies to my mouth and stifles the sob that emerges from it. Not just at the tragedy of Eaton losing his mother so young, but also at the date of her death. I know little about my father’s death, but one thing I do know is the date, and Eaton’s mother died less than a week before him. Let it be a coincidence I plead inwardly.

“You’ve seen the date then.” Eaton straightens up but leaves his hand on top of the coffin.

I nod my head to say yes.

“You know the date of your father’s death?”

Again, I nod affirmatively.

“Tell me.” He speaks through gritted teeth. His eyes are dark, almost black like the devil.

“Less than week after your mother’s,” I manage to say as I walk closer to the coffin and place my hand on top of it—more to keep my legs from giving way than for any other reason.

Shutting my eyes, I take a deep breath. Then opening them again, I stare directly at Eaton.

“How did she die? It says needless. Was it cancer?”

He snorts, his brows furrowing in a deep scowl.

“It would be better for you if it had been.” He looks away from me again and strokes over the word ‘mother’ on the coffin. “My parents were hosting a party. I’d been there for a while, but as a twelve year old, I found it all very boring. I’d gone upstairs to my room and was playing computer games when I became aware of an argument in the garden. I didn’t hear what was being said, but there were lots of raised voices. I looked out of the window and saw my mother and your father shouting at each other. I knew I needed to tell my father. The situation made me uncomfortable. No one but my father was allowed to shout at my mother the way yours was that night, My memories are hazy after that.

The noise of the party drowned out the argument, but not the sound of the gunshot. I recall making my way downstairs. My father and a few of his friends were standing over my mother when I got outside. There was blood everywhere. I remember it being all over my father’s hands as he desperately tried to save her, but it was too late. She was already gone.”

He strokes the word ‘mother’ on the coffin again as his voice breaks on the last word. I grip even tighter to the tomb as I try to understand what is being said. My father and his mother were arguing…

“He shot her?” I question with a loud sob.

Eaton nods. “No one witnessed the gun going off, but when I told my father about the argument, it was obvious who was to blame. Your dad disappeared only to resurface as a dead body less than a week later, and you and your mother were shipped out of Vegas that night.”

“Did your family have anything to do with his death?” I question, needing answers to try to piece together all the spiraling thoughts in my head.

“No,” Eaton responds straight away. “Your dad and mine were partners. They did everything together. They were best friends. They joked that one day you and I would marry and unite the families so they could be brothers for real. Your father betrayed mine.” Eaton slams his fist down on the tomb, and the echo of the dull thud fills the mausoleum. “Hekilledmy mother.” He comes toward me, anger vibrating through every bone in his body. “If I’d watched for a few more moments, I would have seen him shoot her. I would have seen her die alone as the coward ran away.”

I try to step backward, to get away from the almost rabid animal prowling toward me, but I move the wrong way and slam into a marble wall. Eaton traps me there, his big body covering me and pinning me in place.

“You think you are mine so you can be my prostitute.” The corners of his mouth curl up in a malevolent smile. “No, that would be too easy. You are mine, Shelby, because of her,” he shouts and points to the tomb. “I was never able to get revenge on your father for taking away my mother. The woman who looked after me and helped me retain some sanity. She kept me human when my father wanted to turn me into the monster he is and your father was. If she were still alive, everything would be different, but she’s not. Your father took that away from me. He’s to blame, and I will have my revenge. Not on him, though. On you! You’re mine, Shelby Jones, and every day when you see me, I want you to know how much Ihateyou. I’ve been patient so far, but my father’s right. I need to show the world you are back where you belong. At my feet, groveling for whatever scraps I deem suitable to give you. Get ready, Shelby, because from now on, you’ve got the monster your father and mine created.”



After dropping Shelby back at the house, I make my way through the crowded streets of Vegas to Myriad. The roar of my car's engine has people jumping out of the way so I don't hit them. Max is trying to keep up with me in the car behind. I didn't want to travel with anyone else.

Pulling the vehicle up to the main entrance, I throw the keys to the nearest valet and make my way inside and up to the bar.