Page 331 of Still Here

“No, not really.” She grimaced. “Actually, I hate it.”

“How come?”

“Because bitches be loco,” she retorted.

He let out a quiet cough. “I’m sorry?”

Jesska smiled. “Don’t get me wrong, I like the work. I’m naturally organized and enjoy that aspect of it, but I’m in the administrative field, which is dominated by women. And unfortunately, women are mean, horrible creatures who will do their best to drag you down if you rise above anything.” She sighed. “If I could get away with doing my job and not having to deal with people, I’d love it.”

Kaspar chuckled. “I quite like women.”

“Well, that’s because they probably grovel at your feet.”

He tilted his head. “Perhaps you are onto something there.”

She smiled. “What about you? Do you have a real job, or do you just sit atop your throne and order everyone about?”

“I have a real job,” he said. “And I work a lot with animals. Horses and dogs mostly... I’m not a fan of cats.”

Jesska shuddered. “Me neither. Horrible little devils.”

Kaspar laughed. “They certainly can be.”

“What do you mean by ‘work’ with them?”

“We have a number of charities run through our main company that rescue and rehabilitate animals. We partner with some human elements, but they don’t know who we are.”

“I would imagine that wouldn’t be something to share.”

“No,” he agreed.

“What’s your main company?”

“I own the third largest oil company in the world.”

“Shut up.”

He smiled. “From that umbrella, I’m able to do things that interest me personally.”

“Do you want kids?”


“Please tell me you’re not one of those people who think animals are more important than children.”

Kaspar laughed. “Absolutely not. We consider having children a great honor. It’s one of the reasons we don’t deal with some of the same issues as humans.”

“Like?” She raised an eyebrow. She thought it was cute he would lower his voice to a whisper anytime he said “human.”

“No child is ever abandoned. If by some rare chance a child is orphaned, I meet with the child, other family members, and our Council to provide a new and safe place for them.”

“You are responsible for that?”

He nodded. “Why?”

“I don’t know. It just seems like a big burden.”

He took her hand again. “Not a burden, sweetheart. A responsibility that I enjoy.”