“Why are you at court? You should be resting.”
“Long story. Don’t worry, I’m fine. But, can you pick Sophia up? I’d ask Cam, but I can’t get a hold of him. You can just drop her home, so you don’t have to take too much of your lunch hour.”
“Yep, no problem. I actually took a sick day.”
“You did? Are you okay?” Megan asked.
“Yeah, just felt a little off this morning. I feel great now.” Jesska grabbed her keys and purse and locked up her duplex. “Let Sophia know I’ll be there in a few.”
“Thanks, Jessie. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Jesska jumped in her car and took off to her alma mater. She had a moment of panic as the memories flooded her heart again, but just as quickly, she calmed and actually didn’t feel like puking this time around. Returning to the school had always been difficult, and she’d avoided it as much as possible. She must be making progress.
“Or... maybe I’m forgetting,” she mumbled, as she parked and took a minute to envision Seth’s face. She kissed his ring and then slid out of her car and walked inside. Now that the school was considered a closed campus, there was only one way in, which meant she had to pass the glass box that held a tribute to Seth. Not just because of his horrific death, but because no one had managed to beat his wrestling record. Even ten years later. She held her hand against the side of her face like a blinder so she could pass it without seeing his face and headed to the office.
“I’m here to pick up Sophia Bailey.”
The receptionist nodded and picked up her phone. “I’ll call her.”
“Jesska Shane is that you?”
Jesska glanced behind her to see her old English teacher walk into the office. She had to be in her late fifties by now. “Oh, hi, Mrs. Acker. How are you?”
She smiled. “I’m doing well, honey. How about you?”
“Not bad.”
“Are you visiting your niece?”
Jesska nodded. “I’m picking her up, actually. She’s not feeling well, and my sister’s stuck in court.”
“Yes, I heard about her accident. I’m surprised she’s here so soon afterwards.”
“You know us Shanes,” Jesska said. “We are all about surprising people.”
“That you are, dear. Update me on you. Have you met a nice man and settled down yet?”
Jesska forced down her irritation. “No, ma’am. I doubt that will ever happen.”
“Oh, honey, you need to get back to living. Seth was a wonderful young man, and he wouldn’t have wanted you to be alone.”
Thank you so much for the unsolicited and wholly unwanted advice, Jesska thought to herself. What she said was, “Thanks for your concern.”
Mrs. Acker pulled her in for a motherly hug. “Don’t be a stranger.”
“I’ll try my best.”
The older woman left the office just as Sophia hobbled inside. “Hi Jess.”
“Hey, babe.” Jesska wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You don’t look so hot.”
The receptionist opened the swinging door for her so she could join Jesska. “Yeah, I got hit in the stomach with a ball.”
“Why the hell were you in phys-ed?” Jesska demanded.