He sends one right back.

WhenwearriveonMaverick’s front porch two days later, I’m unprepared for what I see when he opens the door. I work to control my visible response to his red-rimmed eyes and his uncharacteristically scruffy face.

Inside, I feel my heart break.

Maverick and I are looking at each other, but Callie doesn’t seem to notice as she rushes forward and sweeps him into her arms. Over her shoulder, his eyes meet mine for one long moment before falling shut. “How is she doing?” Callie asks.

“About the same.”

She takes a step back from him. “Is she awake? Can I say hi?”

“Yeah, she’d like that. She’s in the living room.” Maverick steps aside so Callie can go in. I don’t follow; I haven’t known Maverick’s mom since kindergarten like she has. “Zale, she’d love to see you, too.”


Maverick smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “She likes you.”

There’s no way I’m going to deny this request, but my chest tightens with anxiety as I wonder what I’ll say to her. I move into the house, and Maverick steps in behind me, letting the screen door fall closed. The house smells sterile. Sorrow permeates the air. Any stranger could walk in here and tell that something is terribly wrong.

I stop in the foyer, turning to Maverick. “Where’s Lilly?”

“She’s upstairs getting dressed. She’s been wearing pajamas for days.”

I nod, forcing myself to look into his face even though the raw pain there makes me nauseous. “When was the last time you left the house?”

He blinks slowly, once, then again. “I don’t know.”

“Do you want to come with us? We’re getting pedicures and going to Build-A-Bear, but it might be nice for you to get out, too.”

“I can’t. Dad’s at the store, and she can’t be alone.”

I place my hand on his forearm and squeeze gently. Maverick immediately covers my hand with one of his, as if he was waiting for me to offer some physical comfort. “I’ll get some stuff from my apartment tonight, and then I’ll stay with my dad for the rest of spring break. And when you want to get out, you can just come over, and that way you’re close by if you need to come home.” I pause and clear my throat, not wanting him to feel pressured. “I mean, if you want.”

Maverick’s shoulders sag in a visible show of relief. “Yes. If it’s not too much trouble. That would…” He swallows. “That would be amazing.”

“Of course.”

From the other room, I hear Callie, cheerful and boisterous, and Laney’s tinkling laughter. Maverick turns toward the sound at the same time I do. He smiles. My spirits immediately lift at the sight. “That’s good to hear.”

“I’ll go say hi.”

“I’m just gonna go sit on the porch for a few minutes, since you guys are here with her. I need…” He pauses, rolls his lips. “I just need to decompress.”

“Okay,” I say, giving him another squeeze. I try to draw my hand away, but Maverick holds onto it. We stand there for a moment, looking at each other, joined hands suspended in midair. After a few seconds that feel like hours, he reluctantly lets me go. “We’ll tell you when we’re leaving.”

His eyes linger on me for a moment, searching my face for something unknown. Then he nods and pushes the screen door open, stepping back out onto the front porch. I watch as he plops down on the steps, then head into the living room.

Maverick’s mom, Laney, is bundled up in a recliner, surrounded by books, blankets, and an iPad. There are a couple of machines beside her, and things like gloves and Dixie cups lie on the coffee table.

Callie is perched on the edge of the couch, turned so she is face-to-face with Laney. They are engrossed in a conversation about people I don’t know, and neither of them turn to face me until I sink down beside Callie.

“Azalea!” Laney’s eyes light up, which surprises me. “How have you been?”

“Good, thanks.” I hesitate, not sure if I should follow up with the same question when the answer is obvious. “It’s nice to see you.”

“You too. Lilly is so excited to go out with ‘the college girls.’” Laney’s hands shake a bit when she raises them to do the air quotes, but she does it with a smile. “Thank you for doing this for her.”

Callie flips her hand. “Please. Lilly’s doingusa favor, letting us be seen in public with her.”