I linger in the living room as our guests follow them, and soon I’m alone with Maverick. He saunters over to me, a smile on his lips. In the kitchen, utensils clatter and cheerful voices rise as everybody digs into the food.

“Guess what I’m thinking about,” he says, sliding his hands around my waist.

I tap my chin thoughtfully. “That thing we did on the balcony in Myrtle Beach?”

“Good guess, but no.” Maverick dips his head, nuzzling my nose with his. I let out a happy sigh. “I’m thinking about this girl I met on a plane.”


“She’s lucky she was hot,” he teases, “because she drooled all over my shirt.”

“That’s ironic. I drooled on a cute guy on a plane once.”

“What a coincidence.” Maverick brushes his mouth over mine. Addie yells for us from the kitchen, and we ignore her. “I wonder how your guy and my girl are doing now.”

I grasp his collar and tug him gently toward me. Our lips meet in a kiss as firm as the foundation we stand on. Pulling away, I smile up at him. “I bet they’re both doing pretty great.”