"So the Forsaken believe that these caves are full of Grim spirits?" I put two and two together. "That's why they don't come in here--because they think they'll end up possessed?"

Ryder nods, sketching his thumb back and forth across my cheekbone. For whatever reason, he seems pretty adamant about touching me. It doesn't bother me, but it does leave my mind spinning in confusion.

"The Forsaken won't step foot in the caves," he says, "which makes the caves a safe haven from the Forsaken."

"But Blaise was scared of the caves," I point out. "Does he believe in the legends?"

Reluctance crosses his face. "Kind of."

I shudder, wanting to spring from Ryder's lap and bolt from the cave. I manage to stay put like I promised, though. Still, I do lean closer to Ryder.

"Did something happen to his brother in the caves?" I ask, tracing circles in the dirt with my finger.

"Right before Blaise was brought to the station, his brother died in the caves. I don't know what happened ... Blaise refuses to talk about it. All I know is that the Grim were responsible for his entire family's death, and that's why he chooses to be out there, risking his life."

No wonder Blaise didn't want to come into the caves. I'm not sure if I ever had a brother or sister, but I can imagine it would be heartbreaking to lose someone you care for so greatly.

A pain so great you never want to think about it ... like a piece of yourself has died, too ... a piece that will never fully live again ...

"You doing okay?" Ryder ducks his head to level his gaze with mine. "This is a lot to take in."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I direct my attention back to Ryder. "I was just thinking about how hard it must be for Blaise to be near the caves."

"I'm sure it is, but Blaise will never show it. We look out for him whenever he lets us." His palm glides down my cheek, and his hand cups the back of my neck. "That's part of the reason Reece suggested he be the decoy today--to keep him from having to come here."

"Maybe we shouldn't have come near the caves to begin with."

"They're all over the fault line, so they're pretty unavoidable."

"Oh." My frown deepens. "Well, I'm glad he didn't come here with us. Although, I'm worried about him being out there alone."

"He'll be fine. He has an excellent shot and some of the best fighting skills out of all of us."

He massages the base of my neck, and dear God, it feels so good, surreal and unlike anything I've felt before.

"You should get some rest so you'll be good to go when night falls. One of us will stay awake so you don't have to worry about anything. We'll make sure you're protected forever."

Forever? Such a huge promise, one I hope he'll carry out.

"How about you set up a blanket, and I'll get a lantern from Reece and some fruits and vegetables so I can"--he rolls his eyes--"feed you properly? He's such a health nut."

Nodding, I hop off his lap and collect my bag. He gets to his feet and starts to leave, grazing his finger along my forearm as he steps past me. His expression sinks as his gaze lowers to the fingerless gloves on my hands. I expect him to tug them off, but he only sighs and walks out of the cave.

Up until a few seconds ago, I'd forgotten about my hands. Apparently, so did Ryder. I wonder if he'll ever ask me why I'm wearing the gloves or if he'll ask to check on the wounds. I have no clue what I'd do if he did.

Shoving my worry aside, I grab a blanket from my bag and spread it out on the ground. Then I lie down and try to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. But my mind is wired and spinning with thoughts of the Grim and their spirits. It's difficult to think about anything else when the stench of sulfur haunts the air.

I plug my nose, seeing if it'll help. It doesn't, and I flop down on the blanket with a sigh.

"Allura," a voice purrs. "I may not be able to get to you, but I know someone who can."

I start to bolt upright, but a cold rush of air passes through my chest, and I collapse back down on the blanket, gasping for air. The cold sensation rapidly disperses through my arms and legs all the way to my fingers and toes.

"Ready for your punishment?" the voice whispers. "I told you not to run. Now you get to see just how much trouble you're in."

I open my mouth to scream for help, but my eyes close, and I tumble into darkness, instead.

Chapter Four


I'm so damn hungry. No, starving. Savagely starving. I need to feed. Now. Only a feast will alleviate my hunger.

I march down the hallway of the channels with hunger pains searing inside my chest. I haven't fed in weeks. That's too long. But the fucking watchers have restricted the wardens' feeding time due to a food shortage. Of course, the food shortage wouldn't exist if they weren't so greedy. That's the problem with our society. All these stupid rules about respecting the watchers, but they're no better than us. They just think they are because they got us to this world. Now they force us to work in the channels, selling the food that we either create or capture. And we don't see an ounce of the profits. It all goes to them.

Greedy fucking bastards.

One day, they'll get what's coming to them. But for now, I'm going to take what's mine.

My boots thud against the dirt as I storm toward the Nameless's cell. She's the only one left in this section. The rest of the Nameless have either died or been taken to the breeding section. The only reason she's still here is because she's supposed to be different. Visitors pay a steep price to feed on her, and I want to know why. What makes this frail, weak, pathetic human so special? What makes her as good as quercu?

I've visited her a couple of times to see if I could find out without breaking the laws and tasting her. But she's harder to read than most humans. I need to quit bullshitting around and get straight to the answer. And If I don't act now, I won't ever get a chance.

From what I understand, in a few weeks, she's going to be transferred to the Broken City to live with the watchers. Usually, prisoners die in the channels. They never get transferred to the city. There must be something special about this Nameless, something deliciously mouthwatering, I bet.

God, I can't wait to taste her.

My body yearns thinking about placing my hands on her chest and sipping the life from her veins. If she's as good as I've heard, I'll be stronger than I ever have. Maybe strong enough to finally go through with my plan to take down the watchers.

When I reach the door to her cell, I punch in the code in the keypad. The lights around the doorframe illuminate as the door glides open.

I immediately grin at the sight.

I've caught her in a vulnerable position with her body pressed to the floor and her limbs stretched. She was obviously trying to escape past the iron circle again. She has done it a handful of times.

Usually, Nameless are easier to break. This one won't give up, though.

The fact that her cuffs are stuck to the circle right now is going to make feeding a hell of a lot easier. And satisfying.

"Trying to escape again, huh?" I say from the doorway.

She visibly cringes at the sound of my voice. S

he knows who I am, knows my name, which is another rule I broke for her. Nameless aren't supposed to know names and languages or have any sort of intelligence. They're supposed to barely exist, always alive but veering toward death. We make sure of that, even if we have to beat the will to live out of them.

I was sent down here a few times to beat her, but that fire in her eyes still remains, even now as she glances up at me. Something about the look has always drawn me in, made me curious, made me desire her in the strangest way. I can't even explain it.

Normally, we don't look at humans as more than a source of food. But with her ... I've seen the desire in other wardens' eyes, too. And even visitors. They long for more of her. Maybe that is why I told her my name. Or maybe I've just been underground for too long and am getting bored. Whatever the reason, the damn girl should be grateful I broke the laws for her and told her my name. But she's not. There's still some time to break the appreciation into her, though.

"Little, helpless Nameless," I taunt her as the door shuts behind me. "You know, most of you hardly talk, let alone try to escape. You're different, though, aren't you? Number five-two-eight-seven. Just an ordinary number, yet I don't think you are." I stroll toward her, my hunger growing to a pulsating need, throbbing inside my body. "I'm not supposed to touch you. You're supposed to be for the visitors." I inhale her scent, my nostrils flaring. "But I want to know what the big deal is."

She shuts her eyes and bites down on her lip. "S-stay away f-from me, or I'll t-tell the other wardens."

I crouch down, laughing at the fear flowing from her. "No, you won't. And even if you did, they wouldn't believe you." They won't, either. The only way they'd know about what I'm going to do is if they saw me on camera. But I momentarily disabled the system so no one will ever know.

I place my hand on her back and feel the life pouring from her body. Her scent overwhelms me, and my eyes roll into the back of my head. God, she smells so fucking divine.

"No one's ever going to know," I mumble as I slip my hand around her and press my palm to her chest.

She screams out in pain as the life slips from her veins and pours into me. My mouth salivates, and I let out a moan.