He rose from the table, knocking his chair back. It clattered against the wooden floor. Alessandra rose to chase after him.
“This wasn’t me, Drake. I swear to you. Earlier when I saw Marcello at the courthouse—”
“You went to the courthouse and filed the divorce papers?”
“No! I went to warn Marcello so he could go into hiding. That bitch Jenny must’ve filed the papers even though I told her I don’t want a divorce. I love you. I choose you, Drake.”
“Alessandra?” He stopped and looked at her.
She pushed closer and put her hand on Drake’s chest while cupping his cheek with the other. Drake closed his eyes and leaned into her touch, placing his palm over her hand.
“I choose you, Drake Walker. I love you.”
“Enzo will know about the divorce. It’s a matter of public record now,” Jerry interjected.
“You can’t stay here anymore, Alessandra. Divorce won’t keep you out of Enzo’s crosshairs.”
“Alessandra can come home with us,” Noah offered. “We have a spare room.”
Tears stung Alessandra’s eyes. “I don’t want to leave Drake.” But she knew she didn’t have a choice.
“I’ll figure this out, bella. Trust me,” Drake said.
They all fell silent to their own thoughts. The silence was broken by Drake’s ringing cell. His brows furrowed when he looked at the caller ID. He punched the green button to answer and put it on speaker.
“Enzo,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“Hello, son. I’m glad you and Miss Russo didn’t waste time on your decision.”
“She’s Mrs. Walker,” Drake ground out. “We’re staying together despite your demands.”
“Not anymore. A source of mine informed me that you filed divorce papers. It was smart you saw to that of your own accord. Since I couldn’t trust your judge friend to grant your marriage’s disillusionment, I took care of it. You are legally divorced.
“I have found a suitable bride for you, and you will marry her next week. Irish is the best bet, with the Russo name in disgrace and the Bratva a non-option due to my previous affiliation with them.
“You will enjoy Fiona. I know you have a thing for redheads. Your wife might have olive skin, Drago. But did you ever stop to wonder where her red hair and green eyes came from? It seems Russo women are puttanas after all. Like mother, like daughter.” Enzo’s sick laugh crackled.
“Watch your mouth, Ezno.”
“Yes, yes. Save that fire to consummate your wedding night. Fiona just turned nineteen and is untouched.”
“That’s not happening. I choose Alessandra.” Drake took Alessandra’s hand and held it tight.
“As if you have a choice, Drago. The Russo family’s days are numbered. Your ex-wife will become collateral damage if you put her in harm’s way.”
Chapter Thirty-Five
Drake stared at his phone in shock. Now he knew how Alessandra felt when her father demanded she walk down the aisle to marry a stranger. He wasn’t planning on divorcing Alessandra, but it bought them time now that it was done.
He was in the middle of texting Grant but dropped his phone the moment a sob escaped Alessandra. She needed him more.
“We’ll keep Alessandra safe,” Jerry reassured him.
“So this is goodbye?” Alessandra asked through her tears as she threw herself into Drake’s arms.
She buried her head in his chest and squeezed as tightly as she could. Drake wrapped his arms around Alessandra and held her tight. It couldn’t be goodbye.