Page 52 of Marriage By Trial

They met in Drake’s office, as it was swept for bugs on a weekly basis and was more inconspicuous than meeting in Jerry’s chambers. The clock on the wall signaled the end of a normal business day. As a lawyer, it wasn’t atypical for Drake to put in 12 hours a day—or more, depending on his caseload. No one would question a closed-door meeting in the evening.

Drake sat behind his wooden desk while Grant and Jerry sat opposite him in the armchairs. Months ago, Alessandra knelt beneath that very desk and gave him a blowjob so satisfying he couldn’t see straight. It felt like a lifetime ago. He preferred her company to the men before him.

“I’ve told Alessandra the truth about my parentage,” he said.

“It’s about fucking time!” Jerry exclaimed. “For the record, Noah told me.”

“Of course he did. That bitch of yours can’t keep a secret,” Grant said pointedly.

“There’s no reason to insult my husband. Secrets make him itch.” Jerry turned to Drake, “Communication between spouses is privileged, don’t forget.”

In some ways, it brought them closer immediately, but Drake knew the only way to move forward was to honor Alessandra’s request. She wouldn’t feel safe unless she confronted the demons of her past.

“It’s honestly a relief. The last barrier between us is gone. But now it opens her up to Enzo.”

“Surely you didn’t bring us here to offer the play-by-play.”

“She’s requested a meeting with Enzo.”

“Out of the fucking question,” Grant said matter-of-factly.

“Enzo is in Chicago but has been lying low. I didn’t plan to make contact, but my wife asked me to set up a meeting. She needs it for closure. I promised to find a way to make it happen. It will be a huge leap forward for our operation as well.”

“What do you propose?”

“I have an insider within Enzo’s organization. He tipped me off when Enzo returned to the States. It’s through him that I will make contact with Enzo to set up a meeting. Alessandra and I will present a united front. I’ll relay anything of importance.”

“I don’t like this proposition, Drago.” Grant’s scarred brow twitched in irritation. “This is a delicate operation. I’ve put up with you toeing the line for a while now. My patience is not limitless.”

Drake held firm. “Don’t you see the opportunity at hand? If we play Enzo right, we’ll be able to take down the Russo and Prazza families.

“Alessandra doesn’t know of our plans or my role in the organization. The only thing I’ve divulged was the truth about my background.”

“We don’t need your wife’s emotional whims fucking up our operation. We’ve worked too hard to get here, and finally, the end is in sight.”

“Alessandra is a good girl, Grant. Noah and I have spent time getting to know her.”

Drake looked at Jerry gratefully. He was glad they were able to overcome their disagreements.

“I’ll leave first.” Grant stood but paused at the door. “Make sure you send me the details of your meeting with Enzo as soon as you make contact. I’ll coach you through everything.”

“This needs to be a natural interaction between father and son. I won’t let you feed me lines. Don’t forget that I’ve lived that life. This is my call.”

“The body of Carlo Turelli, a known associate of Anthony Russo, was found mutilated in his apartment. Would you happen to know anything about that, Drago?”

Drake shrugged. “From my understanding, he was the one responsible for torturing Alessandra. I can’t say I’m sorry to hear he met his maker. Who knows how many girls will be saved from similar fates?”

“What is to become of our Romeo and Juliet? Are we going to have to worry about our mafia prince and princess?”

“Don’t you dare threaten my wife.”

The room filled with tension as the two men stared each other down. Jerry looked from one face to the other, readying to jump in if necessary. Grant lit a fresh cigarette.

“You went too far, Drago.”

“I lived under Enzo’s roof for six fucking years, Grant. You don’t scare me. I’ve done nothing illegal in the States. You forget my deal with the NCB granted me immunity for the foreign crimes I was forced to commit.”

“You are not judge, jury, nor executioner. Don’t make me clean up another one of your fucking messes again. Your immunity will be off the table, and I’ll come for you.” Grant scowled and gnashed his teeth on the way out of the office, slamming the door behind him.