“I promise this is just between us girls.”
“Did you know Riley’s having Drake’s baby? Mom and Dad are really upset about it. She sent them the ultrasound.” Beth frowned.
“That bitch is faking it!” Alessandra growled.
“What? Are you sure?”
“Your brother hired a private investigator and found proof.”
“Why would she lie about that? I have to tell Mom and Dad.”
Beth picked up the latest model phone, but Alessandra gently put her hand on her wrist.
“Wait, please. There’s something else I need to ask. Did you know Riley took money to leave Drake at the altar?”
Beth shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“What’s wrong, B?”
“Drake was drunk one night and told me a secret.”
She sucked in a breath. “What secret?”
“I’m not sure I should say. I’m sorry, Alessandra.”
“Please, Elizabeth. We’re sisters now. Sisters have a special bond, meaning we will always be there for each other, no matter what. I want us to share our joys and sorrows. We’ll always have each other’s backs. Let me share your burdens. I promise to keep your secret safe. It will remain locked away in my mind, and we won’t ever speak of it again.”
Alessandra looked at the woman sitting across from her. She employed charm and manipulation, and Beth was ready to crack.
“Drake is going to be so mad at me.” Beth worried her lip.
Alessandra lifted her hands in an easy gesture. “This is just a little girl talk between sisters. Drake will never know. Sisters keep each other’s confidence,” she cajoled.
“Swear to me you won’t tell Drake I told you.”
“How does that saying go?” Alessandra tapped her chin with her manicured finger and smiled conspiratorially. “Sisters before misters.”
It took a little more wheedling and a pinky swear, but Beth eventually spilled the secret that burdened her.
“Drake and Riley broke up before the wedding.” The moment the words were out of her mouth, Beth clapped a hand over her face.
“Excuse me?”
“Drake was pretty upset when she broke things off.”
“Why didn’t he cancel the wedding?”
“I don’t know. He planned to, but then he said there was still going to be a wedding. I’d assumed he and Riley worked things out until you walked down the aisle. Just promise you won’t tell him that I told you.”
“I promise. Your secret is safe with me.”
The women turned their attention to chit-chat for a while, just getting to know each other. Alessandra hung on Beth’s every word hoping for more information, but she received nothing useful.
Alessandra left more determined to uncover her husband’s deceptions.
Chapter Ten