Page 41 of Marriage By Trial

Dear Diary,

Today began just like any other boring Thursday night at Luigi’s.

“Juliana, can you take table three? That guy gives me the creeps.”

I rolled my eyes. Annette had a tendency to behave dramatically, especially when she didn’t want to do the work. I brushed my loose blonde hair over my shoulder and followed the motion with my head to gaze at the solo diner at table three.

My heart stopped as I laid eyes on the man with his head buried between the pages of a book. I was too far away to see the title from where I stood, but I couldn’t help but wonder if the words contained within were the reason for the scowl he wore. An impulse to smooth that line furrowing his brow overcame me.

The buttons of his black shirt strained with the effort of containing his muscular form. Would one flex cause it to tear at the seams like the Hulk? His hair was just beginning to gray at the temples, adding to his distinguished looks.

I sauntered over and stood near his shoulder, letting him finish his page before speaking. “Good evening. I’m Juliana, and I’ll be your server this evening.”

He paid me no attention as I rattled off the specials. “I’ll give you more time,” I murmured once reaching the end.

I rushed through my other tables to return to him as quickly as possible. The gentleman remained engrossed in his book, ignoring me once again. “Can I interest you in a glass of wine? If you need more time with the menu, I’d be happy to recommend something.”

This time he licked the pad of his finger before flipping the page. My body flushed at the sensual flick of his tongue, and I couldn’t help but watch him for a minute longer. Was it for my benefit? Did he realize my heart was stuttering? Disappointed to receive nothing more, I turned away again.

“Any luck with table three? He’s been here for half an hour and hasn’t placed an order yet,” my manager asked.

“I’ll get it this time. Don’t worry,” I said.

I approached Mr. Table Three with determined steps. A bold plan built itself in my mind. I took the seat opposite him and pulled the book from his hands. Fury clouded his dark eyes until they met my challenge.

“Can I tempt you away from this fascinating read with dinner?” I purred.

“Only if you join me, dolcezza.” His heavily accented speech had me swooning.

“I’d love to, but I have other tables tonight.”

“Sei tanto bella, ma sei una delusione.”

“What does that mean?” I was so enraptured by his words that I could only whisper.

“You must be new.” He chuckled at my flustered response. “The kitchen is aware of my usual order, principessa.”

“Who may I say the order is for?”

“Enzo.” The corner of his lip twitched in amusement.

“It’s nice to meet you, Enzo. I’m Juliana.”

I almost tripped on my way to the kitchen, aware of his eyes on my back.

Once his meal was ready, I returned to Enzo’s table, where he was buried in the book again. This time, however, he lowered it to the table and studied me with the same intensity.

“Grazie.” He held up the glass of cabernet. “Salute.”

“Enjoy,” I replied.

I was shocked to find a hundred-dollar bill on the table once his meal ended.

* * *

Dear Diary,

Tonight, Enzo returned, sitting again at table three. Though it wasn’t in my section, the manager said he had requested me. A frisson of excitement jolted through me. The smile that broke across my face was so genuine that he returned it.