“Ah.” Casimir looks a bit sheepish, but only in the most adorable way. “Ardone blessed me with the ability to determine what I could do that would make a person happiest at any given moment. The orphanage manager deeply wished to be reassured that she’s doing well by the children.”

My pulse stutters. Has he used that ability on me? “That sounds like quite a power.”

As if he’s guessed at my concern, his tone turns soothing. “I can’t do it often. Once or twice a day is my limit. And it’s rarely anything sizeable, since it’s limited by my immediate capabilities.”

He pauses. “When you first came to us, saying you were Julita’s friend, I could tell that you simply wanted us to hear you out. If you’d been looking to manipulate us, to get something more than our attention, I’d have picked up on it.”

Oh. I let out a rough laugh. “I guess I should be glad for your gift, then.”

His smile curves at the sly angle that might be my favorite. “I often am.”

The streets have become more crowded with midday bustle, especially as we leave the fringes behind. Casimir has to pull Pepper ahead of Scout, which makes talking difficult.

We don’t bother separating on our approach, since we can easily claim we happened to arrive back at the same time if anyone comments. After we’ve led our horses through the dance of the current password, I notice that Casimir chooses to remount rather than simply walk his mare to the stable on foot. I follow suit.

As the stable comes into view up ahead, I think the courtesan’s companionable glow dulls just slightly. Seeing it dims my own spirits.

No, I will not stand for that.

I nudge Scout forward to walk alongside the Casimir. “That trip didn’t take too long. You’ve got to have time for a quick canter through the woods.”

He pauses before answering. “I’m meant to be at etiquette class at the next bell.”

I snort. “The bell just rang a few minutes ago. You can fit it in. And charm them into forgiving you if you’re a bit late. Unless you’re just worried you and Pepper can’t keep up with me and Scout?”

The sly glint comes back into Casimir’s eyes, but he starts to shake his head. “As much as I appreciate the suggestion, Kindness—”

I don’t give him a chance to finish his refusal. I simply pluck the paper with his notes from his pocket and tap my heels against the gelding’s sides. “This is mine unless you can catch me!”

I press Scout to a canter, grinning at the sound of hoofbeats against the grass behind me and the laugh that spills from Casimir’s lips. We race to the edge of the woods where I joined in the mock hunt and down the broad, well-trampled main path.

Trees whip past us, leaves swaying overhead. Casimir is gaining on me, but I’m not ready for the reprieve from our duties to be over so quickly.

I tug Scout off to the side, into the brush. He has to slow to a walk, but so does our pursuer.

“Ivy,” Casimir calls out mock-threateningly.

“You still haven’t caught me,” I retort over my shoulder.

Scout picks his way deftly between the shrubs and tree trunks, but Casimir hasn’t lost his cleverness. He directs Pepper over to the side and taps his heels the moment he sees a clear strip of land.

With a spring of her legs, she trots ahead of us. He wheels her around to block my path.

As I draw Scout to a halt, the exhilarated flush in Casimir’s cheeks and his matching grin relieve me of any guilt I might have felt over forcing the diversion.

I might not have the same gift he does, but I didn’t need it to know how to offer him a little happiness too.

The courtesan extends his hand, and I make a show of grudgingly handing over the paper. The brush of his fingertips against mine sends a jolt of warmth through me.

Casimir’s dark green gaze holds mine as he tucks it away again. “Thank you.”

My heart hitches with the giddiness I’m not supposed to feel. I force my tone to sound flippant. “You’re ever so welcome.”

The unbidden delight lingers as we let the horses amble back through the woods at a more leisurely pace.

This really is quite nice, Julita remarks.I couldn’t see much appeal to riding for its own sake before. I wonder—

My gaze catches on something through the trees. Julita goes quiet as I pull on the reins and squint through the shifting shadows.