Er, Ivy…Julita says.You do remember he’s one of the most celebrated soldiers in the kingdom, right?

Oh, I haven’t forgotten for a second.

“You want to try me?” I retort, my fingers itching for my nearest knife.

A gleam feral enough to be unnerving lights in Stavros’s eyes. “Really? If you insist, I suppose averybrief demonstration could set the matter to rest for everyone. Let’s see you strip first.”

My jaw drops. “Excuse me?”

He flicks his hand to indicate my dress. “No one can fight at their best in a gown. And if we’re doing this, I want to have a look at what kind of muscle you’re working with. So, strip.”


Casimir gives a faint cough. “Ah, Stavros, this wasn’t quite what I had in—”

The former general jabs his finger in the courtesan’s direction. “It was your idea. I wouldn’t thinkyouwould have your sensibilities offended by a woman’s bare limbs.”

Barelimbs. He doesn’t want me getting totally naked, just taking off the dress so I can move more easily in my underclothes.

It’s still ridiculous. I didn’t even want to linger in the college for more than an hour today.

But I’ve spent the past three days getting yanked in all kinds of directions I wouldn’t have chosen, and this is one thing I know I can do all on my own.

It’d be worth a bushel of gold to knock the cocky expression off this asshole’s face.

From his sharp grin of anticipation, I can’t tell whether the massive man is getting off more on the idea that Iwillaccept his challenge or that I’ll fold. Either way, he expects to prove me a weakling.

Like it hasn’t taken plenty of guts just walking into this den of snakes.

I tweak the skirt of my faux-silk dress, considering the coverage beneath. The last thing I want is any of these men noticing the unmarked skin between my breasts.

Not having dedicated oneself to a godlen and accepted their brand at twelve isn’t an executable crime like the riven magic that prompted my decision, but it’s rare enough that the godless are viewed with suspicion. I’d rather not raise any questions about why I’ve forgone the standard ritual and shunned the gods’ favor.

But the short, sleeveless shift I have on is made of the same densely woven cotton as my drawers. The neckline rests just below that of the dress, which only skims my collarbones.

Unless one of Julita’s men takes a mind to yank the collar forward and peer down my chest, I’m safe.

I wouldn’t assume that’s impossible if I was here alone, but they know Julita is watching too. I can’t imagine any of them manhandling me too badly while I’m hosting her in my body.

I match Stavros’s confident, nonchalant air. “Fine.” Then I reach behind myself to loosen the laces.

Casimir slips over to assist, leaning close enough that the warmth of his graceful body tickles over me with a whiff of honeyed sandalwood. “You really don’t have to do this. He’s being a prick.”

“A prick who wants to know what I’m supposedly hiring on.” Stavros swipes his hands together and props himself against the desk as he watches. “Let’s not take too long about it. I do have other things to do, Thief.”

My jaw clenches. “I apologize for not having the gift of being able to send my clothes into thin air with the snap of a finger.”

Benedikt guffaws. “Now that would be a talent worth having.”

Ignoring the gazes trained on me, I step away from Casimir and shimmy out of the loosened dress. As it pools around my boots, leaving me in my underthings and the plain petticoat that would never have passed for a noble’s if anyone had been able to see it, Stavros gives his head the odd twitch I noticed when we first met and narrows his eyes.

Maybe noticing that my arms, while gangly, have plenty of wiry muscle packed onto them that was previously hidden by my sleeves. Maybe re-evaluating his assessment just a tad already.

Then Casimir inhales sharply. “What happened to you? Whodidthis?”

He reaches a tentative hand toward my back but stops a few inches shy of the skin.

Oh. Right. I’m so used to my scars that I didn’t consider how they’d be visible at the top of my shoulder blades.