Page 93 of Rock Chick Rescue

His grin turned into a smile and he let go of my wrists.

“Chiquita, you are too adorable.”

“Get off.”

His face dropped and he nuzzled my neck. “When I’m ready.”

“Eddie! The Credit Union closes in an hour! Get off!”

His head came up again and he framed my face with his hands.


I glared.

He was still grinning and he looked almost…playful.

This was not good.

“I’ll make you a deal,cariño. If you can throw me off, I’ll get off. If you can’t, we spend the morning my way.”

My eyes bugged out.

“That isn’t fair. You’re stronger than me,” I objected.

“You could try being creative.”

My mouth dropped open.

I could create a knee to his nuts but that might put the hurt on Blanca’s dreams of dozens of grandchildren and I was pretty sure I liked Blanca.

I tried the girlie “please” look.

His head bent and he kissed it off my face. When he was done, I wasn’t thinking of anything, especially not throwing him off. I liked him exactly where he was.

His lips slid along my cheek to my ear. He nipped my earlobe with his teeth and his hands went up my nightshirt. He lifted his head and then,woosh, the nightshirt was gone.

Wow. He wasn’t messing around and he wasn’t wasting any time. Guess Eddie had cottoned on to the Jet Freak Out and wasn’t going to take any chances.

“This really isn’t fair. I can’t throw you off half naked,” I muttered.

“You couldn’t do it before, but it’ll be more fun this way if you try,” he said against my lips, his hand curling around my breast, his thumb rubbing along the nipple.

I closed my eyes and gave a repeat performance of the day before. When I opened them again, the playful look was gone and the hungry look was there and I realized I’d given him exactly what I wanted.

“I don’t think I like you,” I told him even as my arms wrapped around him (of their own volition, I swear).

He smiled against my mouth.

“You like me,” he said and he kissed me again.

When he lifted his head, I shook mine.

“No, I don’t like you. In fact, Ireallydon’t like you.”

All of a sudden, his hand moved down my belly and dipped in my underwear and my eyes widened even as my back arched when his fingers pressed in.

“You like me.” His voice had gone gruff and I knew he had his proof.