Page 82 of Rock Chick Rescue

Unfortunately, I’m afraid, “holy shit” didn’t cover it.



“How’s it hangin’, boys?” Tex asked when he swung out of the car.

Ally got out too and left the driver’s side open. Her seat was pulled forward, a man’s hand came in, grabbed mine and I was “helped” out of the car.

I no sooner got my sandals on the sidewalk when I was tugged forward by a fast walking, pissed-off Eddie Chavez.

I passed a good-looking black guy, lean, tall, with twists in his hair, looking at me with a grin on his face that went from ear to ear. I didn’t get time to say hello as Eddie kept pulling me along.

I looked over my shoulder. I didn’t know why, maybe to shout “help,” and I saw that Lee was pulling Indy in the opposite direction.

Wonderful. Now I’d got Indy in trouble.

Eddie stopped a couple houses down, turned and pulled me around so his back was to everyone and he was in my way.

“What are you doing here?” we asked in unison.

Eddie took a step closer, eyes glittering.

“Me first,” he said, looking down on me.

“I was visiting some friends,” I answered and it wasn’t entirely a lie.

Eddie’s eyes narrowed.

“So, this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that your dad’s been spending the night here?” Eddie asked.

Dear Lord, how did he know that?

I decided not to ask and not to answer. Instead I thought maybe I should try being vague. I hadn’t tried that tactic before.

“Um…” I mumbled.

I saw his jaw clench and I was pretty sure he was about to yell.

Count vague out.

“It’s my dad, Eddie,” I said quietly.

Then (I swear I couldn’t help it) tears filled my eyes.

Maybe I could have controlled myself, but Eddie’s hand wrapped around the back of my head and he pulled my face into his chest.

He smelled good, he felt hard and strong, and being held against his chest like that I could pretend he was the only thing in the world. I felt safe, maybe for the first time in my life. Definitely for the first time since I was fourteen. So I grabbed on to the material of his T-shirt at his sides and let the tears flow.

“I take it you know about Marcus and the extra fifteen K?” Eddie asked.

I didn’t know how he knew about that either but I was crying so hard I didn’t have the voice to ask, so I nodded my head.

He said something in Spanish and his other arm wrapped around me, but he kept his hand in my hair, my head held to his chest.

When I got myself somewhat together, I announced, “My life sucks.”

His arm around me tightened.