Page 49 of Rock Chick Rescue

Now both Eddie and Smithie were staring at me like I’d donated my brain to science pre-mortem.

Smithie turned to Eddie. “I’m leavin’ her in your hands. You fuckin’ deal with her.” And he stalked away. Again.

Eddie dragged a hand through his hair.

“Eddie,” Jimmy Marker was back. “I really gotta ask her a few questions.”

Eddie flipped his hand out in an annoyed “go ahead” gesture, but didn’t leave my side as Detective Marker asked me questions. I told him my story, feeling Eddie get more and more tense as I told it. Don’t ask me how I felt this. Trust me, I justknew.

Detective Marker took notes and asked me if I knew how to get a hold of my dad, which I didn’t.

He took my number, turned to Eddie and said, “She’s all yours.”

Not good.

Before Eddie could do or say anything, I walked quickly to the bar to get my coat, sweater and purse. Maybe if I ignored him, he’d go away.

I took off my apron, pulling out my cell and slapped the apron on the top of the bar to begin cashing out.

Smithie was behind the bar, glaring at me.

“Am I fired?” I asked.

Smithie snatched the apron away and said, “You’re a pain in my fuckin’ ass, that’s what you are.” He shoved the apron under the bar and shoved my stuff at me. “I’ll cash you out. I’ll have your tips ready for you on Friday.”

Guess I wasn’t fired.

Then I noticed, down the bar, Lee was standing and talking to Vance.


My night was now complete.

What was Lee doing here?

“Hey, Lee,” I called, trying to be cool.

He looked up, his eyes flicked behind me, he grinned broad and he looked back at me.

“Jet,” he replied.

I smiled at Vance who was also grinning, his eyes giving my body a sweep, then his grin broadened to a breathtaking white smile when his gaze caught mine. Then he looked behind me and I felt a hand curl around my upper arm.

“Let’s go,” Eddie said in my ear.

I stiffened and turned. Obviously, the ignoring thing didn’t work.

I tried another evasive tactic.

“Lenny’s taking me home,” I said.

That didn’t work either. Eddie steered me toward the front door.

“No one’s takin’ you home. You’re comin’ to my place.”


I dug in my heels and pulled my arm out of his hand.