Page 41 of Rock Chick Rescue

His hands went under my camisole. I could feel them sliding across the skin of my back and it made me shiver. I pressed deeper into him. I kept one of my hands in his hair and tucked another one under his arm, pulling his T-shirt free of his jeans and then I slid it across the skin at his back.

His warm skin felt yummy.

In fact, the kiss was pureyumand I wanted it to go on forever.

“Jeez, Jet, get a room.”

I jumped and pulled back and Eddie’s arms went slack. Though notthatslack, he didn’t let me go. Both Eddie and I turned to see RJ, one of my neighbors, maneuvering out the front door in his wheelchair.

My face felt like it was on fire.

My bodywason fire.

“Hey, RJ,” I greeted, still trying to recover from the kiss.

This was hard considering Eddie hadn’t let me go.

“Who’s the dude?” RJ asked, looking at Eddie.

Eddie was looking over his shoulder, his arms still around me.

“The dude is Eddie. Eddie, RJ. RJ, Eddie,” I introduced, feeling like a complete moron. I’d taken my hand out from under Eddie’s T-shirt but I was now clutching it at his side for fear my legs would give out if I didn’t hold on for dear life.

Eddie nodded to RJ, making it plain RJ was interrupting.

In any other circumstance I might find this funny. Eddie and I were necking at the public entrance to an apartment building in broad daylight and Eddie glared at RJ as if we had a right to privacy.

However, at that moment, I did not find it funny.

RJ did and his face cracked into a huge smile. “Boy, Jet, can always count on you to be entertaining.”


I was never going to convince Eddie I was your normal, everyday, average girl.

RJ put his gloved hands to the angled wheels of his chair and pushed forward.

“Later dudes,” he said, taking the hint, and then he was off.

I looked back to Eddie and he was shaking his head. “I haven’t made out on someone’s doorstep in…fuck, I’ve never made out on someone’s doorstep.”

I smiled at him because he was funny and the minute I did it his eyes changed and the change made my insides melt.

“Christ, Jet, you should do that more often,” he said.



That wiped the smile from my face.

Eddie’s slack arms tightened around me. “Un-unh, no retreat. I’ve gained ground here, I’m not gonna lose it in two minutes.”

“I have to go upstairs,” I told him.

“I’ll let you go upstairs when you agree to have dinner with me tonight,” Eddie replied.
