Page 33 of Rock Chick Rescue

“Bullshit. Jet, you owe me. I gotta replace broken fuckin’ furniture. Tomorrow night, you’re takin’ a pole.”

“One of your customers was all over her. Where were your bouncers?” Eddie asked, his voice strangely quiet which made it strangely scary.

“The boys were busy, it was packed,” Smithie replied. “And Jet can take care of herself.”

Eddie moved his body in a way that was openly threatening, even though I still held his hand. Smithie pulled himself up.

“He had her in his lap with his hand down her shirt,” Eddie said.

Smithie’s eyes got hard.

No one messed with his girls. It was strictly look-but-don’t-touch at Smithie’s.

He turned to me. “No shit?”

I nodded.

“Goddammit, Jet,” Smithie replied. “If you were at a pole, we could fuckin’ control it. You’re no good on the floor. You gotta take a pole, for my fuckin’ peace of mind if nothin’ else.”

“The other girls get it too,” I reminded him.

“Not nearly as much as you,” Smithie returned. “You got that girl next door shit goin’ on. Fuck!”

“I’m not taking a pole, Smithie,” I told him (again).

“Tomorrow, you’re onstage,” Smithie declared.

Eddie realized what we were talking about and his body tensed. You could see it. You could almost feel it and the open threat to Smithie turned hostile.

“She’s not going onstage.”

Smithie looked from Eddie to me, then back to Eddie.

He sighed and shook his head.

“You’re a pain in my fuckin’ ass,” Smithie said to me.

“Am I fired?” I asked, fear that I finally pushed him too far tearing at my gut.

“No you’re not fuckin’ fired. We have a brawl twice a year. We were due.” Smithie said while he moved behind me and yanked the ties of my apron, pulling it away. Then he came back around and pointed at me. “But keep your fuckin’ boyfriend outta here.”

“He’snotmy boyfriend!” I yelled at Smithie’s back.

It was kind of a stupid thing to say because I was still holding Eddie’s hand and it might have been that was what it looked like.

Eddie turned his hand around. His fingers curled around mine and he tugged me forward.

“Where’s your car?” he asked.

“I caught a ride with JoJo,” I told him.

Immediately, he changed directions.

“Where are we going?” I pulled at his hand, to get mine out of his or to get him to stop, either one would work for me.

I didn’t succeed and Eddie kept walking. “I have to go to the station and then I’m taking you home.”

Oh no, I couldn’t let him take me home.