Page 263 of Rock Chick Rescue


Now they had a situation.

Eddie and Lee closed in.

Ray, too, got closer.

“Pack a bag, brother,” Ray said carefully to Bear.

Bear didn’t take his eyes off Tex as he crossed his arms on his chest. “Not goin’.”

“You’re out or I put you out,” Tex warned.

“I’d like to see you try,” Bear returned.

Tex grinned, hot sauce glistening, and even Eddie felt a shiver because the man looked deranged. Or, more deranged than normal.

Ray shifted so he was between Tex and Bear, his back to Tex.

“C’mon, Bear. Talk to Lavonne later when she cools down,” he urged.

“Not gonna cool down this time,” Lavonne called.

Eddie watched Ray’s head tip slightly to the side and the look that crossed his face that said without words,You’ve heard that before, give her what she wants, this will blow over.

Bear made them wait a few beats before it was him doing the leaning to stare down Lavonne.

“Not gonna forget anytime soon you pointin’ that .44 at me, woman,” he threatened.

She took a drag from her cigarette, blew out the smoke, and replied, “Good.”

Bear made a face at her, swept the room with his gaze without catching on anyone, turned and stormed down the hall.

“Not as good as car bombs, but it’ll do,” Tex mumbled as he lumbered back to the couch and his bucket of wings.

Nancy giggled.

Eddie caught Jet’s eyes and blew out a sigh.

* * *

They stopped at Famous on the way home to get a pizza for dinner.

Not as good as Jet’s meatloaf or her chili, but then, nothing was.

She made up for it by scooping out a treat she’d introduced him to shortly after her shit settled. Vanilla bean ice cream with a huge wodge of chunky peanut butter slopped on, this smothered in chocolate sauce.

Since he wasn’t about to get a gut, he decided they’d need to be energetic to work it off.

And how he chose them to do it, he didn’t mind he was doing most of the work.

Though, his woman put a fair amount in herself.

She was taking it doggie-style, one of her arms out, hand braced to the headboard so the effort he was expending didn’t get lost in the sway, at the same time giving herself an anchor to meet him, when he heard that sweet catch in her throat.

He pulled out, she made a new noise, one that told him she didn’t like that, but she got over it when he rolled her to her back, swung her leg in front of him and hiked her up his thighs, pounding back in.

He watched her take him, and Christ, she was pretty.