Page 242 of Rock Chick Rescue

“Hey, girlfriend, how’s it goin’?” LaTeesha asked, pulling me into a hug.

“Much better now, thanks,” I told her and hugged her back.

When she let go, I turned to Smithie.

“Can I have my job back?” I asked.

His eyebrows shot up. “Thought your sister was gonna help out.”

“I’m sure she is.”

“Then why do you need two jobs?”

“I’m quitting Fortnum’s, this pays better.”

Smithie stared at me, then he looked at LaTeesha, then back at me. “What does your cop boyfriend think of that?”

“We’re breaking up,” I told him.

Smithie looked back at LaTeesha. She was biting her lip and looking at me.

“Come a-fuckin’-gain?” Smithie asked, his eyes back to me.

“We’re breaking up,” I repeated.

“Breaking, not broken?” Smithie queried.

“I haven’t told him yet,” I shared.

More looks between Smithie and LaTeesha.

“You wanna tell LaTeesha about it?” she asked.

I shook my head, but smiled. “I just want to know if I can come back to work here.”

Smithie sighed. “Once a Smithie’s girl, always a Smithie’s girl. You want to come back you start Monday night. You don’t want to come back, I don’t fuckin’ care. You’ll always be welcome here, wearin’ an apron or havin’ a drink. Though, I think you should let your sister work for a while and just have the drink, but what do I fuckin’ know? I also don’t think you should be breakin’ up with a boyfriend who’d put his ass on the line for you.”

“Smithie,” LaTeesha said softly.

I ignored him.

Well, I didn’t really ignore him because I felt his words in my gut, but I didn’t let him know that.

I nodded and said, “I’ll be here at seven on Monday.”

“Or not, your call,” Smithie returned before he looked away.

LaTeesha squeezed my arm.

I left.

* * *

I wentto King Soopers and bought a whole load of stuff. I dragged it back up to the apartment and went straight into the kitchen, calling a hello to Mom, Lottie and Ada who were all sitting in the living room.

I pulled the stuff out of the bags and started preparing to bake like a baking fool.

Mom, Lottie and Ada came into the kitchen.