Page 236 of Rock Chick Rescue

“Holy crap,” I whispered.

It was like the Justice League of Super Heroes, but instead it was the Justice League of Hot Guys.

My heart was still racing and I was still panting and I felt strangely super cold.

I stood there staring at them all, stunned immobile, except for the trembling.

Eddie looked at me, yanked Vince from the car and shoved him toward Willie, turning away from him and not looking back.

Then he came to me.

He got close, blocking everyone from view and his hands went to my jeans. I didn’t move, maybe didn’t even breathe as he buttoned then zipped them up and did the buckle, his eyes looking into mine the whole time.

“You okay?” he asked when he was done.

I nodded.

It was a lie. I was seriously full of shit. I wasn’t okay. I was terrified.

“I’d be more assured if you’d breathe,” Eddie said.

I let out of a gush of air.

He closed his eyes, put his forehead to mine, then opened them.

“Better,” he murmured.

“Takin’ him to the station,” Willie called.

Eddie turned and nodded. Willie walked away talking to Vince and Brian had the back door of the squad car open.

It was over.

Dear Lord, it was finally over.

I didn’t know what to do, laugh out loud or burst out crying.

I didn’t have a chance to decide.

Lee got close.

Eddie turned to Lee, his face changing, registering anger, as in,a lotof anger.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t over.

“You and me got to have words,” Eddie declared.

Uh-oh. Words with Eddie.


“It was under control,” Lee returned.

I looked from one to the other in confusion. Confusion was good. I was embracing confusion. It made the super cold and trembling go away.

Darius, Hank and Mace also got close, but I think they got close in case Lee and Eddie came to blows.

“Hombre, he shouldn’t’ve got his hands on her and hedefinitelyshouldn’t’ve got her pants unzipped,” Eddie said in Scary Eddie voice.