Page 223 of Rock Chick Rescue

I reallywasa pain in the ass.

I tucked my face in his throat.

“I’m sorry,” I said against his skin. “I hate this.”

“Mi amor, it’ll be over soon.”

“I hope so. Who would have thought it, but I want my boring, old, normal life back.”

His body shook with soft laughter. “Chiquita, I’m not sure you’re capable of boring and normal.”

I wished he was right.

“Just you wait,” I mumbled.

He didn’t say anything, but I could tell, even in his silence, he didn’t believe me.

“I’ve set the alarm so you can get up later. Bobby’ll be here at seven thirty to take you to Fortnum’s.”

Bobby was another of Lee’s men and I was guessing Bobby pulled Jet Duty that morning.

I sighed. “All right.”

He kissed me, the touch-on-the-lips, touch-the-tips-of-the-tongue kiss. It was one of my favorites.

Who was I kidding? They were all my favorites.

“Be good,” he said against my mouth.

I sighed again. “I’ll try.”

He was laughing when he put me back into bed.

It was only when he was gone that I realized I still had fear lodged in my throat.

It wasn’t fear of men with guns and knives and rape on their mind.

It was a whole other kind of fear that, call me crazy, was far worse.

* * *

The alarm went offand I hit the snooze, thanking God for one small favor, that the snooze button was always the biggest one.

The alarm went off again, and again I hit the snooze.

This happened two more times.

At seven fifteen, I stared bleary-eyed at the clock, let out a little scream and jumped from the bed.

I was in my underwear and one of Eddie’s flannel shirts, hair wet from a fast shower and in a complete tizzy, when there came a pounding at the door.

It was Bobby.

Bobby was built like a tree and he looked like a member of the Tex Family, except younger and before the crazy kicked in.Justbefore.

He did a body scan and his eyebrows went up.

“I’m running late, can you wait?” I asked.