Page 182 of Rock Chick Rescue

She didn’t miss the mountains, she missed her family.

I smiled back.

I had to admit, it would be nice having Lottie home.

“You wanna job?” Smithie, suddenly, was there.

Dear Lord.

I performed the introductions sopping wet and not giving a damn. “Smithie’s my boss at the strip club. Smithie, this is my sister, Lottie.”

“I know who the fuck she is. She’s Lottie Mac, Queen of the Corvette Calendar,” he said to me and turned to Lottie. “You dance at my club, I’ll give you a fuckin’ marquee. I’ll give you a spotlight. I’ll clear the stage for your dances. I’ll have to buy a fuckin’ velvet rope and hire new bouncers. Shee-it, you’ll be drivin’ a Porsche in a week.”

Lottie looked at him.

“That works for me,” she said, as if that was that.

“What?” I yelled.

Smithie turned to me. “You make it a sister act, I’ll take you off unplanned vacation and fuckin’ put you in my will.”

“I’mnotdancin’ a pole!” I shouted.

“All right, calm down. Fuck,” Smithie said.

It was then I felt something not unpleasant, but somewhat scary, slide across my skin, and I looked up to see the gang of hotties all standing, watching, and every last one of them flashing a grin.

“What areyoulookin’ at?” I snapped, not to any one of them in particular, but in their general direction.

Don’t ask me why I didn’t run and hide in the books, I just didn’t.

I guess that wasn’t me anymore.

“Babe, you just made me a regular,” Mace replied.

I glared and his grin deepened into a smile. I’d never seen Mace smile. I’d never even seen Mace grin and I felt my nipples go hard.

Lottie finally noticed the boys and her mouth dropped open.

“Good Christ,” she whispered.

“Don’t mind them,” I said. “They’re here all the time.”

Slowly, Lottie turned to look at me.

“You were holding out on me,” she replied. “I should have bit you harder.”

* * *

Indy tookus to her duplex to get us some dry clothes. Unfortunately, my mascara was running down my cheeks too, so we also did a quick makeup fix.

Tod came over, announced there was a sale at King Soopers and Stevie had bought a year’s worth of shaved turkey, so we all went over to their side of the duplex to have turkey and Swiss sandwiches.

We walked in the back door to the kitchen and were confronted with a chow dog, small for her breed, with an enormous ruff around her neck, but her bottom was almost completely shaved. She looked like a miniature, beige lion with attitude. She barked twice, her front feet coming off the floor, her claws clicking on the tiles when she landed. Then she ran to each of us in turn, head-butting our shins.

I knelt down to give her cuddles and she panted in my face and allowed it as if she was prizing me with a sacred treasure. Then she pranced out of the kitchen, fluffy tail fur bouncing on her bald ass.

“That’s our dog, Chowleena.” Tod smiled down at me. “She likes you.”