Page 160 of Rock Chick Rescue

I nodded my head.

He got in closer.

“Boring, my ass,” he muttered.

This time, I cocked my head and pulled out The Glare. Maybe it was the third martini, maybe it was the second sip into the fourth, but I went all attitude.

“Mark my words, Eddie Chavez, and don’t say I didn’t warn you. When this is all over you’ll wonder what the hell you’re doing with me. I’m boring, boring, boring…b-o-r-i-n-g.” I was pretty pleased, considering I was seriously tipsy, that I could spell boring.

His head dipped low and came close to mine.

“How bad do you need coffee in the morning?” he asked.

I blinked, not keeping up with the conversation.


“I’m thinkin’, in your condition, I might try and see how boring you are naked.”


“I need coffee really bad in the morning,” I told him.

He grinned. “Right.”

We got in the truck and Eddie pulled out.

“What was with the look?” Eddie asked when we were headed out of downtown.

“What look?” I tried innocence.

Of course, Eddie would have noticed Indy’s look.

“Indy’s look,” he answered.

See what I mean?

“There wasn’t a look,” I lied.

“You are so full of shit,” he muttered.

This time, he wasn’t wrong.

We went to Best Buy on Colorado Boulevard and Eddie directed us toward the coffeemakers. I stood in the aisle, swaying a little bit, not only because of the martinis but also because I was in Best Buy with a hot guy shopping for coffeemakers. I stared at the plethora of machines on display as if one was going to grow teeth and bite me.

“What do you want?” Eddie asked.

“A coffeemaker,” I replied.

“Yeah.” He grinned at me. “But which one?”

I stared at them, did a quick price check and pointed at the cheapest one.

Eddie shook his head, the grin still in place. He walked past the one I pointed to and grabbed an upper mid-range, programmable, 14-cup KitchenAid. It wasn’t the mother of all coffeemakers, but it wasn’t anything to turn your nose up at either. He tucked it under one arm, took my hand and pulled me down the aisle.

“Anything else you need to make you less grouchy in the morning? A blender? A toaster?” he asked.

I came to a dead halt and stared at him.