Page 119 of Rock Chick Rescue

“Settle, child, it’s over,” he said in a gentle voice.

His gentle voice hit me and I stopped struggling. The fight just left me.

“Smithie! What the hell was that? I thought your girls had protection.” Daisy was there, hands on hips, attitude crackling, Indy and Ally flanking her like honor guards.

I saw a bartender escorting two police officers down the hall, one of them Ally’s boyfriend Carl, and all of them were moving at a jog. They went into the dressing room.

Smithie ignored Daisy and turned to me. “You’re officially on vacation.”

“What’s goin’ on here? Do I need to call Marcus?” Daisy, not used to being ignored, threatened.

“Fuck no,” Smithie said. “It’s taken care of. Tonight, Jet’s goin’ on vacation.”

“What kind of trouble do you have?” Daisy asked me.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall.

When I opened them, I looked at Indy. “He said Dad stole from him.”

Indy’s eyes flared.

Daisy was on a roll and when she started speaking, my eyes went to her.

“No one fucks with a Smithie’s Girl. No one. This is outrageous. Sugar, I’m talkin’ to Marcus. We’re just goin’ to see aboutthis.”

“Please, no,” I begged. “Don’t talk to Marcus.”

Marcus meant Vince. I didn’t want anything to do with either one of them and I certainly didn’t want to owe one a favor while the other one was planning to rape me.

Something changed in the air, something stronger and even scarier than Daisy’s attitude. I looked to my left and saw Eddie coming toward us.

Serious uh-oh.

He held his body in a way that was controlled but clearly hostile. His eyes were glittery and he’d gone so past pissed off that he had rocketed straight into fury. Before he could open his mouth to say a word, though, Smithie moved.

For a big man, he was lightning quick.

Richie had walked into the hall. In the blink of an eye, Smithie had Richie by the arm and he slammed him against the wall, his hand leaving Richie’s arm and he planted it at his throat.

“I thought I fuckin’ told you, not five feet away from her!” he shouted in Richie’s face.

Richie stared up at Smithie and opened his mouth to speak. Smithie didn’t let him.

“You pay more attention to what’s happenin’ on the fuckin’ stage and not to their protection. The girls on the floor ain’t job satisfaction eye-candy, motherfucker. You’re there to keep ’em safe. You’re fuckin’ fired. I don’t want to see your sorry ass anywhere near my place again. You got me?” Smithie warned.

Richie looked at me, eyes full of angry blame. Then he nodded to Smithie.

Wonderful. Another enemy.

I opened my mouth to protest and defend, not because Richie was a good bouncer, he wasn’t. Smithie was right, he was there for the jollies, being a big man bouncer at a titty bar and ogling the girls. But I didn’t want someone else after me.

I didn’t get to say anything because Eddie stepped in.

“Look at me,” he demanded to Richie, forcing Smithie out and getting smack into Richie’s space.

Eddie didn’t need to hold him where he was physically, his wrath was enough to keep Richie pinned to the wall.

When Richie’s eyes turned to him, Eddie said, “Don’t even fuckin’ think about it.”