Page 116 of Rock Chick Rescue

I looked at Indy’s table. They were all staring at Daisy with awestruck faces.

“Daisy, I want you to meet my friends.” Daisy turned and planted a megawatt smile on the table at large and the awe in Tod’s face turned to reverence. “This is Indy Savage, Ally Nightingale and um…Tod and Stevie,” I finished, not knowing their last names.

Now Daisy’s eyes were wide. “Indy Savage and Ally Nightingale! I heard about you two. I know Lee.”

Indy and Ally looked at each other.

“I’m married to Marcus,” Daisy explained.

Understanding hit them and they nodded. Marcus had been involved in Indy’s drama but obviously they hadn’t met Daisy.

Indy smiled. “Do you want to join us for a drink?”

“Best offer I’ve had all night, sugar,” Daisy accepted and Stevie immediately got up and grabbed a chair for her. He held it while she planted her narrow ass in it. “Well, aren’t you sweet?” she said to Stevie with another dazzling smile and a little tinkly-bell giggle.

“I’ll get you a drink,” Stevie said, and if he wasn’t gay I would have sworn he’d fallen in love.

“It’s my job to get drinks,” I told him, putting my hand on his arm and giving him a grin, then I turned to Daisy. “What’ll it be?”

I brought her a drink and Smithie caught me at the waitress station while I was putting in another table’s orders.

“You got Daisy at your friends’ table,” he said. “Treat her like a queen. She’s a fuckin’ VIP. She used to work here and once a Smithie’s Girl, always a Smithie’s Girl. Even more so now she’s married to the biggest, badass motherfucker in Denver.”

“I know Daisy. I know Marcus too,” I said to him.

He stared at me. “How do you fuckin’ know Marcus?”

I thought about lying and decided against it. Don’t ask me why, it was a stupid decision. “He kinda kidnapped me last night after work, that’s how I met Daisy. She kinda saved me.”

I realized immediately I should have lied.

Smithie stared at me some more, his eyes going a little wild. Then he shook his head and I didn’t know if it was to clear it or if it was because he knew my life was a complete mess.

Finally he spoke. “Of course she’d fuckin’ save you, you’re a Smithie’s Girl.”

“That’s what she said.”

Smithie gave me an unhappy look. “Steer clear of Marcus. He’s fuckin’ bad news with a capital Fuck.”

I nodded. I had every intention of steering clear of Marcus.

I started to put my drinks on the tray but Smithie caught my wrist.

“Got a friend, a brother, owes me a favor. I ask, he’d keep you safe and outta sight until your trouble clears and he’s the kinda guy no one messes with. If Marcus is involved in this fuckin’ shit, I’m ready to pull that favor. I’m guessin’ your cop boyfriend has you covered. The minute I think he’s fallin’ down on the job, you’re takin’ a fuckin’ vacation.”

I felt that strange warmth again as I looked at Smithie. “Thanks, Smithie, but I can’t go away. I have Mom to worry about.”

“Your Mom will go to LaTeesha’s.”

LaTeesha was one of Smithie’s women. I’d met her on a several occasions and liked her. She was a nurse’s aide at an old folks’ home. By all reports, she loved her job and the oldies loved her. This was proved with her regular wage enhancements when the oldies would die and put a little sum for her in their wills.

“Smithie…” I started.

His hand went up.

“No fuckin’ discussion. I’m keepin’ an eye on you.” Then he dropped my wrist and moved away.
