Page 100 of Rock Chick Rescue

I turned to Eddie, and as his arm was around my neck, this put us full frontal so I tilted my head back.

“You could have done something about that,” I snapped.

“Like what?” he answered, his face a lot closer than was comfortable.

I tried to pull back but it didn’t work. “I don’t know. Politely declined somehow.”

“I’m having dinner with your mother before you have dinner with mine. Come hell or high water,Mamáis gonna one-up your mother somehow. Trust me, sooner is better than later. It gives her less time to plan.”

Without thinking, I stated, “My life sucks.”

Eddie tensed. “It’s dinner with my mother. It isn’t the end of the world.”

It was for me.

“That’s not what I meant.”

It was, in a way, but not in the bad way Eddie took it.

His eyes got serious.

“We need to have another chat,” he said.

“No!” I nearly shouted, panic stricken. “No more chats.”

His brows drew together.

I tried to calm down and said, “At least, not until I figure out whatIhave to say.”

“How long is that gonna take?” he asked.

About four lifetimes.

Of course, I was going to have to speed it up.

I needed my life to get back to its normal, everyday boringness.

But first, I needed to go to the liquor store and buy a bottle of Jack. I didn’t drink Jack but I thought now was a very good time to take up bourbon.

Instead of imparting any of this information on Eddie, I answered, “I don’t know.”

Then he told me, “You’ve got until tomorrow.”

My mouth dropped open, then I snapped it shut and I asked, “You’re giving me a deadline?”

He loosened his arm, but held me around the neck and pushed the cart with his other hand, moving us forward.

“You aren’t exactly a fast mover, and any time I give you, you’ll use to retreat. That’s not gonna happen. So yeah, I’m giving you a deadline.”

I decided it was a good time to stop talking.

We made it through the rest of the shopping ordeal without incident until we hit the checkout line. I wasn’t paying attention, and before I knew it, Eddie slid his credit card into the card machine.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Paying for your groceries,” he answered.

I stared. Then I glared. “You can’t pay for my groceries,” I said.