Page 256 of Rock Chick Rescue

“You just have to.”

Another shake. “Why?”

I felt tears burn in my throat.

No, this wasseriouslynot going well.

“Jet, talk to me,” he demanded.

I shook my head and tried to pull away.

He brought me even closer.

“Eddie, let me go!”

“You like me. You don’t want to, but you do and this is total bullshit.”

“I don’t like you!” I yelled.

“You fucking well do!” he yelled back.

I gave a vicious yank and the tears burning my throat started to burn my eyes. I couldn’t swallow them down and they started flowing.

He caught me again and brought me back.

“Do I have to prove it to you?” His voice was back to quiet and it was far more scary than him shouting.

“I don’t like you.”

Another shake.

I pulled away again, but stood in front of him and shouted, “I don’t like you! I love you! I’ve loved you since the minute I saw you. God!” I looked to the ceiling and swiped a hand across my face to wipe away the tears. “You’re a good guy, I could tell right off. You’re nice to your friends and they love you. You’re handsome and you stepped up for me, going all out to keep me safe and…and…” I faltered and then rallied, “You have a fancy truck!”

For a second he looked shocked then the warmth came into his eyes and he reached out to me.

I whirled, totally panicked, beyond freaked out, straight to temporary insanity.

What was I thinking, blurting out that I loved him?

Totally temporary insanity.

I started to run but he caught me, swung me around again and walked me back until I was pressed against the wall, his body against mine.

“No!” I screamed. “We can’t have sex against the wall again. I have to go.”

“We’re not havin’ sex against the wall.”

I looked at him and shouldn’t have. The warmth was there, but he was also amused. He thought this was funny.

This was anything but funny.

“I have to go.”

“You aren’t goin’ anywhere.”


“Chiquita, calm down.”