Page 248 of Rock Chick Rescue

I looked at him. He may have been playing at being in the celebratory mood, but one look at him told me he simply wasnot.

I looked at the table.

“Maybe we could play just poker, poker,” I tried.

His hand grabbed mine and he pulled me up.

“Indy and Lee probably want to be alone,” Eddie said.

He was probably right.

One look at Lee’s face said he was definitely right.

Everyone dispersed, more hugs and kisses, and Eddie and I went out the front.

“My car is at Fortnum’s,” I told him.

“I’ll take you to get it tomorrow morning,” Eddie replied, walking me to the truck.

He bleeped its locks and I pulled hard on my hand in his. It didn’t work.

He stopped at the passenger side door.

“I’m going home,” I told him.

“Already told you, I prefer my bed,” he returned.

“Okay, you sleep in your bed and I’ll sleep in my bed.”

Wrong answer.

He pushed me against the truck with a hand at my belly. “You want to have this talk out here in the street, or do you want to do it at my place?”

I didn’t want to have the talk at all. But I was willing to have the talk in a delayed-type fashion.

I went for it. “I was thinking maybe tomorrow.”

“You were thinkin’ wrong.”

Sweet Jesus.


He opened the truck door. “Get in the truck, Jet.”

I pulled out the attitude. Certainly, the scaredy-cat gambit wasn’t getting me anywhere.

I gave him a glare. “You’re incredibly pushy!” I snapped.

“Get in the truck,” he repeated.

I turned to walk away.

“I’m going to my car,” I announced.

I was pulled back at the middle, his finger snagging the belt loop of my jeans.

He pushed me back against the side of the truck and got close.