Page 207 of Rock Chick Rescue

My eyes bugged out.

What didthatmean?

No, I didn’t want to know.

I tried for assurance. “I never see Mace, he’s a nighttime person.”

“Good.” He did another lip touch, so I guess he was assured then he said, “I talked to Lee. You got protection anytime you aren’t with me. First up is Matt.”


No, no, no.

“Eddie! I can’t—”

“I’m not arguing about thischiquita. I’ve been a party to scenes like we just had when we walked in here, but I’ve always been the man removed. Don’t like bein’ part of the scene or people I respect breaking brooms and gettin’ in my face. You’re not with me, you got a bodyguard. End of discussion.”

I pulled out The Glare, it was really just for show and Eddie knew it, which had to be why he smiled.

“You’re adorable,” he said.

“Am not,” I returned.

He did another lip touch. This one was a new one. It lasted longer and included a tongue touch.

It wasyum.

I hit a full-on Eddie Daze.

He tucked my hair behind my ear then he was gone.

* * *

Ten minutes after Eddie left,Daisy strolled in.

It was bad timing. Things were beginning to calm down.

Trixie went back to her salon and Gloria took Blanca home. Ada was spending the day at the coffee house with Mom while Tex and I worked. Lottie and Indy had gone down the street to Walgreen’s to get a newspaper so Lottie could look for apartments. Tod and Stevie both had flights so they went home. The Wild Bunch and Hank dispersed, leaving Matt behind.

Daisy took one look at me and skidded to a halt on her platform, denim-covered boot that had shiny rivets and rhinestones up the sides.

“Well, ain’t that just peachy!” she snapped in a tone that said she felt it was anything but peachy. “You get a scar, sugar, I’m rippin’ Vince Fratelli’s face off with my goddamned fingernails!”


“Daisy, I’m okay,” I said for the millionth time that day.

She put up The Hand.

“This is all Marcus’s fault. I gave him what for last night and don’t think I didn’t. He’s promised to fix it. He don’t, I’m cuttin’ off his water, you know what I’m sayin’?”

Actually, I didn’t, but she was on a roll so I didn’t have to wait for an explanation.

“He don’t get a piece of me until I make sure no more pieces ofyoucome flying off.Comprende? You and me just got to set a meeting between Marcus and Eddie and we’ll get this shitsorted.”

This was not good. I didn’t think Eddie was going to be jumping for joy at the idea of a sit down with Marcus.

Of course, Daisy, who knew everything, already had it figured out.