Page 193 of Rock Chick Rescue

He went with guns.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, Dad had decided to arm himself as well.

Eddie was right. The stun gun in my purse wasn’t shit when bullets started flying. It wasn’t like the movies. There were no clever comments to give you the chance to prepare. Slick was done fucking around and that was that.

They fired upon entry and Dad yanked his gun out of his waistband and randomly returned fire shouting, “Girls, get down!”

I threw myself at Lottie and we both went down. I rolled away from the legs charging in the door, taking her with me. We ended facedown and started to crawl, low on our bellies, Lottie moving underneath me. I held most of my body over her.

There was more gunfire, a lot of it, too much. It was so loud it rang in my ears and I could smell the gun powder in my nose.

Then I heard shouts, screams, running footsteps, thuds of flesh against flesh. I saw Lee, running low, snatching up Indy on the go as if she weighed no more than a feather. He turned and they vanished.

I saw Matt, crouched low with Daisy in a fireman’s hold over his shoulder. Then, quick as a flash, they disappeared around the corner of the door.

Then a hand wrapped around my ankle and I was pulled back. My arms let go of Lottie and I rolled, thinking Mace had got to me, but it wasn’t Mace. It was Vince.

Just myfuckingluck.

He pulled me to my feet, an arm around my waist, and started running, me tucked under his arm. I noticed he jumped over a prone Shirleen, lying on her side in the hall.


I didn’t let the surprise at seeing him get to me and I didn’t let my worry for Shirleen break my focus.

This was about life, death and rape. I wanted no part of the second two and the first one was just getting interesting and I wasn’t about to let it go.

I twisted, struggled and screamed at the top of my lungs.

That was when Mace arrived.

I saw him, Vince saw him and Vince stopped. He jerked me upright and pulled me back against his body, an arm around my ribcage.

“Not another step,” Vince warned, and I felt the cold against my temple.

Mace froze.

Mace was carrying a gun, held up and pointed at us, left hand to his right wrist, head cocked to the sight of the gun but his eyes shifted to my temple.

My eyes slid there too.

I could see Vince’s gun held to my head.


Now, at this juncture I had two choices. I could get dragged out of there and hope someone found me and took care of Vince before I got raped, and possibly killed. Or I could fight, maybe get killed, but at least I wouldn’t spend the last hours of my life being scared out of my mind and violated.

No choice, really.

I brought my head forward then back with a vicious snap. I cracked my skull against Vince’s chin and for some reason, it didn’t hurt.

The gun fired and I felt the burning pain at my temple.


I thought surely I was dead, but my limbs were still taking orders from a brain that was still working and positioned in my skull and I noticed Mace move, fast as lightning.

Vince’s arm around me went slack when he went into defense mode, forgetting me when faced with an aggressor who one second was five feet away, the next second on top of us.