Page 183 of Rock Chick Rescue

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We were sittingaround the dining room table, Lottie, Indy and Tod comparing lash-lengthening strategies, when my phone rang.

It said,Daisy calling.

I flipped it open. “Hey, Daisy.”

“Hey, sugar, what’re you up to?” she asked.

“Well, I think my mom is on the longest date in history with a crazy, ex-con Vietnam vet who has a shotgun, grenades, tear gas and twenty-five cats. And I got in a wet T-shirt, knockdown, drag out fight on the floor in Fortnum’s with my sister who’s just in from LA. Oh, and we did it in front of most of the boys on Lee Nightingale’s payroll,” I shared.


“Darlin’, you know how to live,” Daisy finally said.

“Normally, I’m really boring,” I told her.

She laughed her tinkly-bell laugh. She didn’t believe me either.

“What’s up with you?” I asked.

“Got a call from Shirleen. Rumor has it Ray’s hittin’ her table tonight.”

I looked up at Indy, Tod and Lottie and my eyes grew wide.

“You girls ready to ride again?” I heard Daisy say in my ear.

“Just a second. Indy’s right here, let me ask.”

I relayed the story to everyone. Indy and Tod smiled. Lottie looked angry.

“Dad’s a shithead,” Lottie said.

“You guys in?” I asked.

Tod and Lottie nodded.

“Ally’s got a shift at Brother’s tonight, but I’m in,” Indy replied.

Ally was a bartender at My Brother’s Bar. It’d be a bummer that she couldn’t come, but I figured with Lottie and Tod in the mix we could almost equal her attitude.

“Ally’s working but Tod wants to come and so does my sister, is that okay?” I told Daisy.

“Peachy, darlin’. Can’t wait to meet your sister,” Daisy answered.

“You might know her, she’s Lottie Mac, Queen of the Corvette Calendar.”

“No shit? ‘Course I know her, sugar, she’s a celebrity.”

I grinned at my sister.

“Yeah,” I said, feeling proud. Then I hesitated. “Do you mind if we wear our own clothes?” I asked.

More of the giggle. “Sure, just as long as you got a little sparkle on.”

I figured I could doa littlesparkle.

“Tell her we’ll meet here,” Tod cut in.