Page 176 of Rock Chick Rescue

“It’s a good thing you’re so damn pretty,chiquita, because mostly, you’re a pain in the ass.”

* * *

I didn’t haveto make the coffee. Eddie had programmed it the night before, and when I wandered into the kitchen, the pot was full to the brim. Fourteen whole cups of hot, fresh java.


I had two cups while getting ready and I made Eddie one.

I poured us both travel mugs. We loaded ourselves in the truck and Eddie took me to Fortnum’s. He kissed me, deep but brief, while we sat in the truck in front of the store. He idled at the curb, watching while I walked in. I gave him a wave when I unlocked the door and went inside. He lifted his chin, slid on his shades and took off.

Then I looked behind the espresso counter. Duke and Jane, no Tex.

My heart skittered then stopped.

“Where’s Tex?” I asked.

The first customer came in behind me.

“Not here,” Duke answered.

“What do you mean, not here?” I asked.

Duke looked around. “I mean, not…here.”

“He’s always here,” I told him.

“Well he’s not now,” Duke replied.

“Fuck!” I shouted, and the customer turned to stare at me. “Sorry,” I muttered. I set my travel mug on the book counter and hauled out my cell.

I called Mom’s cell and got her voicemail.

I left a message. “Call me the minute you get this.”

Then I hung up, scrolled down my phonebook and called Tex.

He didn’t have an answering machine so it rang about twenty times before I hung up.

Then I called him again.

On the seventh ring, he answered.

“What?” his boom was muted.

“Tex? Where are you?” I asked.

“Hungover,” he answered.

“Mom’s not answering her cell. Where is she? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine.”

Then he disconnected.

I stared at the phone.

“Tex just hung up on me,” I told Duke and Jane.