Page 135 of Rock Chick Rescue

“I’m seriously screwed, in more ways than one.” Then I giggled to myself, and luckily, everyone giggled with me.

“Maybe that margarita wasn’t a good idea,” Gloria remarked.

My purse was lying in my lap and it started ringing. I handed my margarita to Indy and dug out my cell.

“Probably Tex, he’s pissed at me that he missed the shootout,” I told them.

Gloria’s eyebrows rose to her hairline and I flipped open my phone.

“Hel-lo?” I sing-songed.

“Nice dress,” a male voice I knew too well because the memory of it was burned in my brain said in my ear.

I sobered immediately and my entire body stilled.

“Maybe I’ll make you wear it when I do you,” Vince said.

Chills raced down my spine, bile came up my throat and my voice went on vacation.

How he got my phone number, I’d never know. I didn’t even want to know.

“I’ll shove it up around your hips…” He paused. “Oh, now, that’s sweet. Here comes your wetback boyfriend.”

My head came up and I saw Eddie walking my way.

Dear Lord.

Vince could see us.

I stood on shaky legs and looked around in a panic, trying to find where Vince was hiding. The yard backed up to an alley and had houses on either side. There were people everywhere. The shakes in my legs hit my torso and I wrapped my arm around my stomach.

“Yeah. I’m watchin’ you bitch. Waitin’ for my moment. I don’t give a fuck what protect—”

The phone was ripped away from me and Eddie was there. He put the phone to his ear and listened for a minute.

Obviously, Vince wasn’t done talking.

Eddie’s faced changed to an expression I’d never seen before. It was beyond what he wore last night. It was beyond anything. It was indescribable.

He flipped the phone shut and stared at the ground for a second, his jaw working.

I held my breath.

Then he turned and, with a vicious sidearm throw, he threw my phone across the yard. It slammed into the margarita pitcher with such force, the glass pitcher exploded, and so did my phone. Bits of it went through the glass and skipped across the table and most of the yard.

Everyone went silent and turned to look.

I stared in the direction of my phone.

“Eddie.” That was Lee, standing close, his voice low, his eyes serious.

I realized my mouth was dry and I swallowed.

Eddie’s eyes went to Lee.

“Fratelli,” was all he said.

A muscle moved in Lee’s cheek.