Page 130 of Rock Chick Rescue

“Chiquita, you come complete with bad guys after you with guns and knives, an asshole father that takes you for a ride and puts you in harm’s way, a mom you have to take care of a lot less than you think you do and a sense of self-preservation that’s nearly impenetrable.”

“Eddie,” I tried to interrupt him but he was on a roll.

“You also have the prettiest smile I’ve ever seen and you’re the sweetest piece of ass I’ve ever had. I don’t know if that balances out, but right now, I don’t give a shit.Youaren’t goin’anywhere.”

“Eddie!” I yelled.

“What?” he yelled back.

“Okay! I’ll stay. We’ll see how it works out.”

The minute the words left my mouth, my eyes grew huge.

What was I thinking? Had I lost my mind?


No, no, no.

I had to find a way to go back.

He watched my face again and shook his head.

“Un-unh,cariño, no retreat. You’re mine.”

Then he kissed me, his tongue slid inside my mouth at the same time he slid inside of me.

He started moving. His mouth went to my ear and into his I said, “I can’t do this, Eddie. I have things to do. I have to find another job…I have to—”

“Jet. Quiet,” he said, moving inside me. “We’ll figure it out.”

My arms went around him and my hips started moving with his.

“You don’t understand,” I whispered.

“We’ll figure it out,” he repeated.

“I can’t ask you to—” I started to say but his hand went between our bodies. His fingers pressed against me and my mouth stayed open, but no sounds came out as electricity shot through me.

His mouth came to mine and against it he said, “We’ll figure it out.”




Ada was sitting between Eddie and me in the truck and we were on the way to Blanca’s. Mom and Trixie were following. It was easier for Mom to get in and out of Trixie’s car, and her wheelchair was already safe in the trunk. Ada wanted to ride in the “fancy truck,” and no one had the heart to refuse her. It took us three goes to shove her bony behind into the cab, but we got her in and we all headed out.

So, there we were, a mini-convoy on the way to my doom.

I’d spent most of the day in Eddie’s bed. Eddie spent most of the day in me.

Around three o’clock, I caught sight of the clock and panicked.

I pulled Eddie out of bed and nagged at him to shower.

Then I paced and texted Daisy as a response to her second phone message (the one left after the call Eddie didn’t let me answer), setting a meeting with her the next day while he showered and dressed. He wore what I considered (in my limited experience) an Eddie dress-up outfit—black, light-weight, V-neck sweater over a white T-shirt, jeans that were seriously faded (the only kind I think he owned) and his signature black cowboy boots and silver-buckled belt.