Page 8 of Rock Chick

Lee already had his pocketknife out and was cutting through the tape.

“I came home and he was on my couch, you were in my bed. What’d you think I’d do?” Lee answered as he ripped the tape off Rosie’s mouth.

“Yeow!” Rosie cried.

I sat back, resting my behind on my calves and stared at Lee.

This was exactly what I thought he’d do.

“Ally didn’t call you,” I surmised.

“No, Ally didn’t call me,” Lee stated.

“I’m gonna kill her,” I snapped.

“Jesus, fuck, shit,” Rosie said.

Lee had gone down to a crouch when he’d released Rosie, and now he stood, arms crossed on his chest.

“You okay?” I asked Rosie, and Rosie gave me an “are you nuts, that lunatic just tied me up with duct tape” look.

You would think you couldn’t read all that in a look, but trust me, you could.

“What’s goin’ on?” Lee asked, surveying us.

It was then I realized I was in a pair of peach lace hipster briefs that showed a good deal of cheek and Lee’s wife beater. Not exactly the attire I wanted to be wearing during this conversation.

Not exactly the attire I wanted to be wearingeverin the presence of Lee.

“I’ll go get dressed,” I said, standing.

Lee shook his head.

“You’ll talk.”

“I need to put on some clothes!”

“What you need to do is tell me what the fuck’s goin’ on,” Lee countered, and let’s just say his tone brooked no argument and his face registered pretty severe unhappiness.

Regardless, I glared at him, just for good measure.

“Jesus, shit, fuck,” Rosie said, tearing the remnants of tape from his wrists.

I took another deep breath and let go of the glare. It was time to expedite this situation so I could get to my Levi’s. Generally, I felt naked without my jeans, but at that moment I practicallywasnaked without my jeans.

“Okay, we have a situation here. Rosie and I need somewhere to crash for the night and we’ll be gone tomorrow.”

“Why?” Lee asked.

“Don’t tell him!” Rosie cried, looking panicked.

“You talk or you walk,” Lee said.

I looked at Lee then I looked at Rosie.

I’d known Rosie for five years. He’d come to parties at my house. We’d gone to concerts together. He was a cool guy. A bit flighty and secretive, and not as mellow as one would expect, considering he was a screaming stoner.

I had no idea he had a business on the side. I knew he made great coffee, I knew he thought Jim Morrison was an earthbound god, and I knew he was a stoner.