Page 24 of Rock Chick

“I brought you a change of clothes and some of your stuff,” Ally said, reaching behind us and grabbing the coffeepot. “Looks like I should have brought more.”

I moved my glare to her.

She was just as good at ignoring it as Lee. Better, she’d had more practice.

“I’ll take some of that. Indy already has a cup,” Lee murmured.

“Not surprising,” Ally said, pouring coffee into three mugs.

They were acting like it was business as usual at Lee’s condo, just like it was any other day, and I decided I was most definitely in an alternate universe because this was all just plain old nuts.

“Listen people!” I cried, trying to get everyone’s attention. “This is not what it seems.”

Ally looked at me.

Kitty Sue’s happily dazed eyes focused on me.

Lee’s hard thighs tightened on my sides and his forearm wrapped around my chest and neck. His chin dipped to the curve of my shoulder, his lips at my ear.

“Don’t spoil Mom’s moment,” he murmured there.

“What is it, then?” Kitty Sue asked.

Lee’s fingers dug into my shoulder and I could feel the muscles flexing in his forearm at my neck. I took one look in Kitty Sue’s eyes.

Damn it all to hell.

“We’re taking it slow,” I said for lack of anything else to say, like the truth.

Wouldn’t sound so good to say,Your son is trying to extort sex from me. News at eleven.

Kitty Sue breathed a sigh of relief, sent us a dazzling smile and put sugar in her coffee.

Ally wandered into the living room.

Lee brushed my hair aside with his chin and softly kissed the spot where my shoulder met my neck.

I guessed that was his way of saying thank you.

It was a good way.

“Hey, where’s Rosie?” Ally asked.

I froze.

So did Lee.

We’d completely forgotten about Rosie.

“Fuck,” Lee said.

He moved me forward and jumped off the counter, prowling into the living room. I caught a good look, both of his muscled back and his ass in his jeans, and went a little weak in the knees.

“Liam Nightingale, that mouth!” Kitty Sue admonished.

I followed Lee, but he was already moving out of the living room and through the kitchen.

I looked at the quilt and pillow on the couch.