Page 219 of Rock Chick

“Tell him…we’re…here,” Willie repeated in a tone that made Dawn’s eyes go wide. She put her hands to the arms of her chair (manicured fingers pointed straight out, the better to be on display) and pushed herself up. She rounded the desk and disappeared behind the door to the Inner Sanctuary.

“I’ve never been here,” Ally whispered to me.

“Really?” I whispered back, not knowing why we were whispering.

“This place is the shit,” Ally said.

She was right, it was. I felt a strange sense of pride even though it had nothing to do with me.

I smiled at Ally. She smiled back.

“Are we, like, in trouble?” The Kevster asked, breaking into our moment.

Ally trained her eyes on Kevin. “You’re, like, morons.”

“Dudette!” The Kevster was aghast at Ally’s insult.

“You better clue in before someone helps you check out,” Ally told him. “People are getting shot at, stun-gunned, kidnapped and cars are exploding. Wake the fuck up.”

Well, there it was. Couldn’t get any more honest than that.

Rosie and The Kevster stared at Ally. Whether what she said penetrated was anyone’s guess.

While all this was going on Willie was making a call and after Ally’s announcement he flipped his phone shut.

“Got someone checking,” Willie said. “Odds are Wilcox bonded these two idiots.”

“Why would he do that?” Rosie asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe because it’s easier to blow your brains out when you aren’t under twenty-four hour police surveillance,” Ally replied.

Okay, so maybe youcouldget more honest.

The door opened and Dawn and Lee came out. Dawn scooted behind the desk looking chastened.

Hee hee.

Someone got introuble.

Lee did a room scan. His eyes fell on me then he did a body scan. After he ascertained I was all in one piece with no holes, blood leaking or body parts blown off, he looked at Willie.

“What happened?” he asked.

Willie ran it down for Lee.

Lee’s face got hard.

“Get Mace,” Lee told Dawn, and without delay she picked up the phone. “They weren’t after Indy?” Lee asked Willie.

“Didn’t even look at her,” Willie replied.

“Except when she threw her ice cream cone at them,” Ally put in.

Lee looked at me and I could tell he didn’t know whether to laugh or yell.

Instead, he muttered, “Christ.”

I was pleased he found a happy medium.