Page 206 of Rock Chick

“He’s right,” Eddie agreed. “Indy needs to be protected. You got a safe house for her?”

“Yeah,” Lee answered.


“No! No, no, no,” I cried, beginning to panic. “I can’t go to a safe house. I can’t. I’d feel like a sitting duck.”

Lee’s arm came around me. “It won’t be for long.”

I pulled away from him. “No! I can’t do it. I’ll climb the walls. I swear, Lee, you lock me up and the minute I get out, I’m moving to Argentina.”

Either he didn’t believe me or he knew he could track me through the wilds of Argentina, because he didn’t look like he was gonna cave.

So I kept pushing. “Lee, give me back the stun gun. I’ll carry it everywhere. Put a man on me. Anything, just don’t lock me up.”

“I’d put a man on you, but if we’re gonna take Coxy down I gotta keep my boys on target.”

This wasn’t good. This was like being grounded, but without the tree out your window to climb down when your dad was asleep. I hadn’t been grounded in twelve years. I forgot how much I hated it, hated being penned in, hated my freedom restricted. I couldn’t stand it.

Surprisingly, Eddie caved first.

“We’ll take turns playin’ bodyguard,” Eddie offered, staring into my deer caught in headlights eyes. “I’ll talk to Hank, Willie, Carl. I’m off-duty. I’ll take the first shift.”


Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

This did not sound good.

Lee slowly turned to Eddie. “I’m not sure I like that idea.”

Eddie looked at Lee. “Get over it.”

They stared at each other and moments passed while testosterone permeated the air.

“Oh for fuck’s sake. She might be pregnant with your baby, Lee. She’s hardly gonna wander,” Duke said.

My mouth dropped open.

Eddie looked at me. His eyes moved down to my belly then back up to my face. Then he turned to Lee.

“That didn’t take long,” he remarked.

“I’m not pregnant,” I said, perhaps wishful thinking.

Tex came up with the coffees and handed them around.

“All right, boys, get to work,” he ordered.

Eddie walked to the couch and sat down, putting one cowboy-booted ankle on the other knee, spreading an arm along the back of the couch and taking a sip of cappuccino. He was looking at me and grinning in a sexy way.


Lee snagged my neck and pulled me to him.

“You’re gonna be okay,” he said.

I nodded even though I didn’t believe him.