Page 203 of Rock Chick

“What’s he talking about?” Ally asked.

I turned to her. “Orgasms.” Her eyes got round. “Never mind. Do you know when you can take a pregnancy test?”

Now her eyes were about to pop out of her head. “No way.”

“I don’t know. I fucked up. I forgot to take my pills for a couple of days.”

“Noway!” Ally shouted and a couple customers looked up.

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I said.

“This is great,” she returned. “I’m calling Mom.”

“No!” I cried. “Don’t call Kitty Sue! Don’t callanyone. This is not great. I don’t want a baby. Well, maybe I want a baby…maybe I want Lee’s baby…but not now. He hasn’t even seen all my underwear!”

“You aren’t getting any younger,” Ally noted.

Dear Lord.

“Just answer my question,” I demanded.

“What question?”

“Pregnancy test.”

“I think you have to miss a period. I’ll run down to Walgreens and look at one.”

Then off she went. Luckily, Walgreens was only a few blocks away.

“Tex, can you make me a skinny vanilla latte, please?” I asked.

“So you’re talkin’ to me again?” he asked back.

“Just make me one!” I snapped.

“Who’re you? The Man?”

“No, I’m The Woman who wants a vanilla latte!”

“Fine. Jeez. I’ll make you a latte. I’ll make it decaf so you’ll calm down.”

“If you make it decaf, you’re fired,” I informed him.

“Caffeine may not be good for the baby,” Tex replied.

That’s when I screamed, full-onNightmare on Elm Streetscream your lungs out.

The customers jumped and stared.

The bells over the door went. I stopped screaming and saw Eddie coming into the store.

He didn’t look happy.

In fact, he looked scary unhappy.

His mirrored shades were off and his dark eyes were intense.

My frustration at my crazy, fucked-up life went out the window and I walked up to him.