“Un-hunh,” I told the wall.
There was a big difference between dating a guy who, on Sundays a couple seasons of the year, played at being a tough-guy-badass while wearing pads and a guy who simply was a tough-guy-badass. The linebacker may get big bucks, but he was not the real thing. And anyway, Lee wasn’t hurting money-wise, that was certain.
When I looked back at Lee he was studying the file, but he had the eye crinkle going.
I was amusing him.
“What’s funny?” I asked.
He didn’t even look up. “You’re jealous.”
As if!
“I am not!”
He shook his head, but didn’t answer and kept scanning the file.
“Lee, if you think she doesn’t have the hots for you, you aren’t as clever as I thought. And if you’ve already screwed her, youreallyaren’t as clever as I thought.”
He closed the file, dropped it on the desk and moved around it, toward me.
“Dawn’s organized and cordial. She’s always on time, willing to do overtime at a moment’s notice and doesn’t get flustered easily. I know she’s attracted to me, but she’s my employee and she’s a good one. No way I’d touch her. You don’t shit where you live.”
He was backing me up across the office and doing his disarming straight talk thing. I had to admit I was a little pleased Lee hadn’t sampled his receptionist. Not only would it make things potentially difficult for me in the future, it was tacky. Though thinking about it now with a clearer head, she wasn’t his type.
“All righty then,” I said when the backs of my legs hit a leather couch.
His hand went to my jaw. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“I wasn’t worried.” This was almost not a lie. Dawn was pretty but she was super-thin. Lee liked a woman with curves, always had and (hopefully) always would.
“No?” Lee asked, his eyes warm, his face wearing what had become a familiar soft look. A look I’d only ever seen him give to me.
Still, he didn’t believe me.
“You like booty, not bony. She’s pretty and all, but not exactly your type,” I told him.
As if to prove me right, his hands went to my ass.
I pressed my hands against his chest. “Are we gonna do some of that kickass PI stuff now?”
Lee was leaning into me. “In a minute.”
I was having trouble staying upright. Lee was pressing into me, his hands on my behind, and he was looking at me with melty-chocolate eyes. His intentions were clear.
“Um, excuse me, but the door is unlocked. Anyone can walk in and we have a renegade coffee guy to catch. We don’t have time for this. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of fucking you on my couch.”
Holy crap.
I did a full body tremble, starting at the toes and going up.
“Lee! We have things to do, places to go, butt to kick, and we’re in your office with Dawn just down the hall, for goodness sakes. What if she walks in with my stun gun?”
He let me go, walked to the door, locked it and came back.
I scooted away, but he hooked my waist, pulled me back and gave me a bit of a shove so I fell to the couch. He followed me down.