Stevie yelled from the bowels of the house for us to come in and we entered the kitchen. Chowleena came clicking through and she butted my legs with her head then she stepped back and barked twice at Lee, her front paws coming up with each exertion. When she was done with her warning, she butted his legs, too.
“She likes you,” I told Lee. He bent over to scratch Chowleena’s ears and I called, “I’ve got Lee with me.”
Stevie appeared in the doorway and blatantly and thoroughly looked Lee over.
Then he smiled his approval at me.
“I’m Stevie,” he said, his eyes moving back to Lee, and he came into the room.
They shook hands then Stevie gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Chowleena barked again and then clicked out of the room, her bottom swaying pertly, full of attitude.
We followed.
The living room-slash-dining room was closed up tight from any looky-loos. The Burgundy Rose transformation was firmly hidden behind drawn curtains and a closed front door. The dining area looked like the backstage of a New York fashion show had exploded in it. There was makeup scattered across the dining room table, two lighted mirrors and three foam heads with wigs on them. Formal dresses in every color and fabric were strewn across the backs of chairs. Sequins sparkled and feathers swayed slightly in the breeze of the ceiling fan. Shoes were lying around everywhere.
Tod was in semi-drag. He was sitting in a robe, pantyhose on, and I could tell he had his girl figure already sorted under the robe. His hair was in a skullcap ready for a wig, his base makeup was heavy and his eyes were mostly done. He had the spidery shape of a false eyelash dangling from his fingers and a cigarette dangling from his lips.
He narrowed his eyes through the smoke at Lee.
“No one, and I meanno one, but Indy’s Hunk of Burning Love would be allowed to see me this way. You talk, you die.”
It was an empty threat and everyone knew it. Firstly, who was Lee going to tell? Secondly, Lee could kick anyone’s ass.
“Anyone want a drink?” Stevie, ever the good host, said into the void.
“I need makeup. My stuff is at Lee’s,” I told Tod.
Tod extracted his smoke from his mouth and gestured to the dining room table.
“What’s mine is yours.”
* * *
It took nearlyan hour to get Burgundy to BJ’s Carousel. She was not only performing but emceeing, so she had several dress changes. Stevie and I carefully slid the dresses that Tod indicated into garment bags. We schlepped them—three wigs, six boxes of shoes, a Louis Vuitton tote-bag of emergency provisions (extra hose in case of runs, packets of cigarettes, lighters, smaller bags filled with bracelets, earrings, necklaces and other accessories, fingernail polish remover, etc.) and Tod’s enormous, steel-encased MAC tackle box filled with cosmetics—into the CR-V.
Lee and I followed Tod and Stevie to BJ’s in the Crossfire. The bar was on Broadway, about a mile or so south of my store, just past the I-25 overpass. It was a small dive bar, but you couldn’t tell because it was dark and the Diva Queens on the tiny stage could make it come alive.
We went in the back way, all of us loaded down with Burgundy’s stuff, and entered the small area set aside as a dressing room. It was so smoky you could barely see and it was chockfull of drag queens, their partners, fag hags and other hangers on. The minute we walked in, everyone—man, woman or queen—turned and stared at Lee.
“Sweet Jesus,” a Shania Twain look-alike standing three feet away breathed, her hungry eyes riveted on Lee.
Burgundy forged ahead announcing, “He’s straight, he’s taken, and if he turns, I have first dibs.”
Stevie dumped his load, and Lee handed him the garment bag he was holding then turned to me and offered, “I’ll get you a drink.”
“Good idea. You don’t leave, they’ll jump and tear your clothes off.”
Lee winced. “That’s a pleasant thought.”
“Don’t think I’m kidding,” I told him. “If you wouldn’t mind getting me a…” I started to give him my drink order but he interrupted.
“I know what you drink, Indy.”
Panic overwhelmed me again, fast and fierce.