Page 94 of Rock Chick

His voice was deep and kind of husky, and I felt a quiver in my nether regions.

“Forever,” I answered.

His hands slid from hips to belly and he pulled me into his body.

“I can’t discuss clients with you, Indy. I offer confidentiality with my services. I won’t be able to talk about my work. It’s something you’re gonna have to get used to.”

That was hardly the point.

Okay, it wasapoint, just notthepoint.

It was my longstanding theory that men missedthepoint on purpose.

His chin moved to pull the hair away from my neck and his mouth went to my ear.

Then he got tothepoint.

“You’d been dodgin’ me for a decade and then you presented me with an opportunity to get your attention. I’m not big on missin’ an opportunity so I took it. It worked. I got your attention. I don’t regret it and I’d do it again, even considerin’ in the process I lost diamond man.”

Hmm, it was annoying, but it was honest, and it was annoying because it was honest.

I pushed forward and broke free of his hands, putting a knee on the bed.

I could have pushed the sleeping on the couch business, but I feared a wrestling match and he’d already gotten a nether region quiver. I’d never survive a wrestling match.

I crawled across the bed and stationed myself at the far edge, pulling the sheet up over me.

I felt the bed move as Lee got in and the light went out.

Then I was hauled across the bed and positioned in the half spoon/half pin he was so good at carrying off.

I didn’t struggle. I was doing pretty good at the silent treatment so I just stayed tense and used my body to communicate that all was not forgiven. The Silent Treatment/Cold Shoulder was a perfectly honed weapon in my arsenal and I was not afraid to use it.

Apropos of nothing, Lee told the back of my head, “The last time I remember feelin’ fear was during survival training. I thought if the good guys could think up that shit for training, what were the bad guys gonna do?”



It was apparently story time for bad little girls.

“Then I realized I might not be able to control what they were doing, but I could control my reaction. Fear breaks your focus, makes you lose control, makes you weak. It gives the enemy the edge. That was the last time I felt fear and the last time I lost control.”

I was still tense, but now for a different reason, waiting to hear what he was going to say next.

“Tonight Ally called and told me you’d been taken. I left you there and they came to Tom’s fucking front door and grabbed you. When I heard that, I lost control.”

Holy shit.

What did that mean?

What was he saying?

Was he scared?

About me and the idea of maybe losing me?
